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July is almost here, you can find below what's planned for that month:

New content:

  • 9 new Log Myu pages
  • 3 new Lai-E pages that will end the sequence/comic
  • Plus size character: Ganyu from Genshin Impact 
  • Free size character: Zelda from Breath of the Wild 2
  • Chubby character: Mysterious Heroine X Alter from Fate/Grand Order
  • Experiment: to be voted [Plus Size Tier and above]
  • At least two new nude versions [Plus Size Tier and above]


  • July 12th - July 14th: Sequence [Super Size Tier]
  • July 26th - July 28th: Character [Plus Size Tier and above]


  • July 1st - July 3rd: Experiment poll
  • July 8th- July 10th: Super Size character poll
  • July 15th - July 17th: Sequence poll
  • July 22th - July 24th: Plus Size character poll
  • July 29th - July 31st: Free Size character poll



Oh yeah :3


Immense amounts of weight gain, gluttony and hedonism through mind control/brainwashing/hypnosis.