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Hello patrons! I did something a bit different this time for your reward. I'm still new to digital art and erotic art as well so I needed to put in some hard work towards getting better at both. I wanted to do a full piece of some satyrs having their way with some forest nymphs so I decided to do a handful of rough thumbnails and jump right in. After about five little sketches I thought it would be a good idea to do a full page of about 20 and post them here for you folks. After that first 20 I saw a noticeable improvement in my control over the stylus and gave myself the challenge of cranking out 100 of them in order to further that progress and build up a cache of poses I can reference for full pieces later on. Then by the time I got to around the fiftieth on I noticed that they weren't really rough thumbnails anymore and had actually started be more like line drawings and I noticed that I had started putting in a lot more time and effort into each one.  So I figured that I would redraw any of them that were real sketchy and give you all a small collection of 100 line drawings as your reward for this time. It probably would have been smarter for me to keep it to a handful of rough sketches and then do a final piece since this took about 5 times as much effort and time to complete but I got sucked into trying accomplish a goal I set for myself. I don't plan on doing these very often, not at all if everyone hates it. I really do hope you like it though, it was fun to make but a lot of work. I also understand that this probably is not why you became a patron and if you find this is an unacceptable reward please let me know. Please let me know what you think if you do like it as well. I'm happy to read messages, and I do read them even if sometimes I forget to reply, and will try to include peoples favorite poses in future works if you let me know. I would set up a poll but its a bit difficult with 100 options. And thank you all sooooo much for supporting me, rewards will be in your message boxes. 




Wow! I would LOVE to see more sketch collections like these! 😍


Glad to hear it, though they'll probably few and far between since it takes quite awhile to make a set. They're fun and rewarding though so I'll be happy to do more.