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Just a reminder to everyone that I won't be able to receive any money from this site anymore (unless the messages Patreon is sending are somehow bs lol).

So if you're being your usual kind hearted selves, save your money instead. Don't forget to grab my Library for free. And also check my reddit page too as it will be my only active site for a time. It's going to be a strange time for me ahead lol.



I was gonna say, if you want to make money off of your work again, I suggest Gumroad. I've used them to purchase nsfw art before.


Gumroad seems like the ticket. Full comic releases instead of one page at a time posts seems to be a crowd favorite anyway 😄


Man this year def been rough on you from DA to now Patreon, but hopefully 2024 works out better. Also I will say Gumroad does have a monthly subscription option to, so you can keep it like this and do small 1 off images every so often. Like others suggested, subscribestar.adult seems to not mind vore either so that could be a option, or maybe do both, just in case, you never know bout keeping all your eggs in one basket kinda thing eh. But for now, take it easy and hope you return in peak form and with great new content in 2024. Otherwise Happy New Year eh.