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After a long run on Deviantart, my account has been permanently banned. This has completely knocked the stuffing out of me. I'm not sure what to do.

This site has also been hinting that it might ban me here as well. Ugh...this really hurts guys. 



That's absolute bullshit, I really like your work. If u set up a differerent account on a different website, can u plz let me know?

Stephen Hiroshi Wykes

That's too bad. Personally, I think all vore artists on DA (Dumb Asses or Deviantless @$$h0les) should put up a moving sign, cancel their CORE memberships,stop posting there and go to a site that is more favorable to vore artists. Someone should also take DA's Terms of Use to a lawyer, have it examined and then compare what it says to what they are doing. If there is any discrepancies, they should file a lawsuit and sue these guys out of existence. I know this is not a plan everyone would approve of, but it is the way I feel at this moment. Ok, I will go back to lurking now...