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Lord have mercy! Is there anything better than perfectly sculpted wad of cheerleader bubble gum? UGH!!! I want!

Also it looks like this Space Bot had a different number pre-loaded into his emergency contact list. Poor little guy. It's not necessarily his fault if he was calibrated incorrectly. I wonder if Space Cadet Jaime Kemper was the one who input his settings lol. 




how is she so calm during this, like she hasn't a word


She thinks its cute! :D She hasn't pieced together yet that it's not just playing with her lol


An insight: Judging by the design of the alien, it is likely a higher evolution of a species very similar to slugs and snails, with higher anatomical complexity given its size and capacity for intelligence. Here we find an alien from the planet Tempracha, hunting less than orthodox prey. A bootylicious blonde bimbo, who is unaware of the intentions of the creature, or the fate which awaits her. Upon being pushed down the creatures throat, Chelsea will enter the crop, which has proven to be quite the vestigial organ for the advanced creature, but the final pleasure for poor Chelsea. Chelsea’s thick, juicy body will be massaged by the powerful peristaltic muscles of the throat, covering every crevice in saliva as it prepares her for her new home. It is in this stage that her clothes will be removed, partially digested and regurgitated. The throat muscles will pull Chelsea from this tight massaging muscle sack and plop her right into the stomach, where she will have more room to accommodate, but will be her final resting place. Quite the unfortunate irony, well maybe not for the slug.


I'm looking forward to this comic! It's getting really hot 🔥!


It is definitely from Tempracha. You're correct that she will enjoy the slide down the gullet but little else. There she will be broken down into an easy to absorb state of matter, like so many other teen girls before her :D