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Summertime means fun on the water! >:D

I did want to release this all at once, but lo and behold I am too impatient lol. I'm going to simply release as completed like always I suppose. Should be a fun and relatively brief snake vore sequence though ;)  




Hope she settles in to her fleshy coffin nicely ;P


Love that you named it after that awesome vore animation :) Cant wait


Mmm fuck yea! 😈🤤😈


Let's goooo feeding snake pet asmar


looks like that snake is gonna have a great meal can’t wait to see more 🤤

Martin Dan Rasmussen

Neither Rick or his wife Warn Their daughter - his wife/her mom is hopefully one of the creators of the snake.


The snake is very efficient and will not have any trouble gliding her in smoothly 🤤


The mom will miss her but after enough time passes it might become a kink whisper close to climax 😈


Damn I wish i could send you the wagyu tier gals i find on tiktok they would get snatched up in an instant

R. Joss

Hope we can “check it out” in more updates as she slowly goes further in the snake 😏


Tiktok is literally a food registry at this point ;) It's like an alien food delivery menu


This will be the only selfie shot in this comic set, the rest will be 3rd person observation like usual :D

R. Joss

If you had made tik tok to one of the polls prolly a lot of votes would’ve gone to that menu 🤣