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Ingenious! The agency anticipated Ms. Hughs would certainly be swallowed whole. So they equipped her in a tactical lingerie that had a fast dissolving poisonous wire framing inside of it. Brilliant!

It was quite a gamble though to depend on the villain eating Miss Hughs with her panties still on. But hey, it worked! 



R. Joss

Amazing that she had somehting like that, also very hot seeing the clothes digest and she will he saved at the last second! Also also you were not kidding with how magestic and GLORYFUL the inside shot would be! (Plus the shadow and the transparency of the the stomach in that first panel, it was a delicacy in itself too) Overall one of the best endings!


Oh man!, Can't wait for that bad ending ❤️, seeing her heels get added to the collection is mmhmm damn good!


Oh wow you did a beautiful job of just showing off her perfect curves. The bad ending definitely will be something to see! I like the idea of the crime boss adding her heels to a mausoleum of the other female agents he had eaten in his time with all the other trinkets/mementos with corresponding pics of the agents.


Haha they are taking a lot of risks with this mission. A lot of assumptions were taken for granted


I am very glad to hear the effort I put into this one has not gone unnoticed 😇 ty


I'm going to have the alt ending be a sort of "daydream" by one of the secret agents she came with.


Oh damn just the sight of that trophy room would be very very tantalizing. I can almost picture it now


That trophy room would be a sight to see indeed! If not this story maybe do a story on a space cadet universe alien who collects the tactical lingerie/mementos of the space cadets/women he eats. Especially if its a large extensive collection, idk why but a vore alien parading his future "unaware/ignorant" dinner though his trophy room would be an interesting concept.

Anthony Di Giorgio

Can’t wait to see how she gets out maybe she rewards the agent who helps her


Amazing work as always how many more pages do you have left to do?


Love the page, amazing art work. Tbh a little bummed to hear it's going to be a fantasy in the alternate. But I think I'm also alone on this one lol. Either way you never disappoint and do amazing work so I'm sure it will be super hot 😉


I actually have a feeling she would be slightly annoyed with anyone involved with this particular mission haha.


Thank you! It's like 2 or 3 at this point but I'm not sure. It depends if I can get enough story panels into a reasonable page layout.


Thank you!! And yea the alternate ending aspect might be a slight buzzkill in theory. But I personally think the way I have it set up currently will be very enjoyable. It won't feel like an afterthought or "not real". At least I hope not haha


I'm a little disappointed that she canonically survives, but this is still hot as hell. If this became a series, I'd love to see a storyline where this girl is repeatedly used as food during missions, leading up to her finally earning a "real" agent's position where she can lead a mission... only for her first mission to result in her getting eaten permanently.


Yeah I feel you. Things just ended up going a very different route than I was hoping lol. Went from the main to the alternate to a fantasy. I'm sure it will be good either way. And it's a group thing. Can't please everybody