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Miss Hughs just might end up killing this spider with her butt after all!
Just when she thought she was set up for failure, it turns out The Agency wasn't as careless as she thought.



R. Joss

Oooh that’s so interesting!!! Now I kinda want her to survive… either by pulling a Ganyu and choking him with her ass, or somehow to see another mission/stomach through… aaaaah but seeing her get digested would be hot too! 🤤 you’ve really got me invested in her story now and the eye candy also helped a lot! ( the squishiness of those boobs!! 🤤 and the ass is looking mighty fine)


The agency cares about their female workers. They just want videos of them being eaten.


It's always tough to end a character that has such a wonderful screen presence lol. But the vore stories always call for it. So it's a tough cookie

R. Joss

I remember you having the same issue with star wars home voyage, as much as I loved seeing the gals eaten, it really puts a strain in the story to try and have the audience invested in a “meal”… did love that the protagonist of the story got to escape at least one stomach her going down gullets was really well done (and hot obviously)


Nice! So there’s a chance she might actually survive to get swallowed again?😁 maybe the Agency could be involved in Gege meeting Largum too!


I might be the only one rooting for a brutal digestion on this one lol 😈😅


Would you be willing to do a good and bad ending?


she's got a real good "disney" look in that last panel


I think the official plan is an alternate ending so we will see survival and digestion as well


Ah cool! Like the Space Cadets multiverse 😂 her face in the bottom right looks like the kissy face Princess Peach does in the background of bowser’s song


I love the sound of that 😉, hoping the digestion will be brutal with some pleading / begging from our would be assassin spy 😁

R. Joss

Also I probably did not mention it (and I feel like it should not go unmentioned) The insides are done so well, but also the detail of her torso being trapped and squeezed as she moves her upper half in impotence for her situation and the way you can see the closed throat (her next “destiny” for another page/panel) it really gives life to this page


There are a lot of fun ideas you could do with this. As a spy still alive inside his stomach she could report back on secret meetings she overhears. And she can send out the GPS coordinates for the secret base. The spy agency won't want anyone to figure out the source of this info, so she'll have to be digested for the greater good.