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I'll try to keep this brief so that there's no confusion.

Patreon has recently sent me multiple alerts about a new "Identity Verification" requirement. It requires that I send my scanned ID and basically every other ID document to a yet unnamed third party company that will then send them to the government, all to ensure that I myself am over the age of 18 since I'm making +18 adult content.

Now since this page is almost 10 years old itself, I have a feeling this isn't about age verification alone. Now call me a conspiracy theorist, but I just feel sending away my personal information under the context of pornography (essentially) is a pretext to some horrific outcomes. Present and future.

I really don't want to switch platforms, but the messages said I could potentially be locked out of being paid until I do so. If that's the case, I'll refund all pledges and more than likely move all my stuff over to Deviantart and then probably start fresh on Subscribestar.

What are your all's thoughts on this?



I'd rather you complied with their request and stayed here.


I'm happy to follow you regardless of which platform you dwell upon. :)


Well that's a crock of shite on Patreon's part


I've already had to follow someone else on SubscribeStar due to Patreon getting strict with their content, happy to follow on there if push comes to shove.


It's a pretty simple choice, switch


Please keep us up to date on what you do!


Might be worth creating a subscribeStar anyways just in case, so that there's a transition period where both are active before one of them shuts down


You do what you must, I will follow “To the end of the line!”


I understand your reservations. Maybe make sure SubscribeStar isn't about to do the same thing before moving. It's possible Patreon is just reacting to some new legislation or a recent lawsuit or something, and if that's the case IDK is there any guarantee SubscribeStar won't get caught up in the same?


Shit that's a really good point. I'll look into it now. I technically already have a Subscribestar but as a supporter only at the moment


Up to you dude, I'll won't be long behind if you do :)


What's with this? It's not just here on Patron ether, Pixiv just nuked all adult stuff. Lots of good 3d vore and other stuff poof gone.


Yeah but pixiv had a pretty bad cp problem so it might be for the best its gone


I suppose that too might be at the heart of this. Honestly it's also why I don't want to give out my docs to what could maybe even label me as making cp on some database somewhere, so ya.


I'll say just try to open up Subscriberstar just incase as backup