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I did it!! This illustration took so many hours to complete. Like, I think this might have been the longest I ever worked on one single picture. The last picture of Captain's speech was very similar, but this one took even more time than that.

I am SO happy with how it came out. I am planning on making more universe setting pictures like this one. I want to populate the comic series with character building pictures and scenarios that maybe aren't specifically vore but sort of give a feel for the day to day. But I will always make em sexy ;) 




Awe poor guy, he just wanted some food :(

Ignatius Firebrand

Damn, those are some fine-looking future meals! X3


Was Brad Boggs arrest mentioned anywhere along the timeline?


I have to update the timeline for the stuff I'm adding. I always knew the timeline would have more added but it's overdue now


Ah ok, was wondering cause I wanted to check back through it see if it was another of Kelly's galaxy famous bait and traps again 😅


I wonder if the space cadet HQ has a section dedicated to the girls they lose so members can be remembered.


A comma is needed after the word camera. Without it, the meaning gets screwed up a bit.


I cannot wait to see Madison go down (that throat and on that dick)


Each person on the wall has a holographic recreation of how they were eaten. Mourn them and also learn what not to do!


This is awesome!

R. Joss

If those locks were too malfunction due to a “bimbo” cadet now that would a sight to behold, maybe they’ll be able to finally get one of them out of the stomach before digesting… or maybe theyll screw up somehow and scratch another loss lol.


I should add a story where the hardlight cuffs malfunction after a perfect arrest. Preferably to a Cadet that has a near perfect record.

R. Joss

She presses the EMP button to deactivate electronics instead of the teleport button? As to why they would have the EMP button maybe to avoid them using escape ships?


that'd be great. either that or a life-size animatronic that DEFINITELY couldn't be replaced by an infiltrating criminal to eat more cadets