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Hehe this is fun >:)
The conversation isn't over, I just need to finish the comic itself before I can add more messages :D
What do you all think of this feature? hehe




This is so great! She needs to be careful though, Tara might have signed her mom away as well ;)


I love the addition of context :)


Mom being mad when the boss is clearly saying her daughter is amazing SMH


I think the mom should come to attempt to save her daughter alone or with space cadets. And we all know how that will turn up


yeah, she should march right down to the office and have a word in person. Bring one of the junior cadets for backup since they're probably not busy and need experience in the field.


The boss is a smooth talker. I bet he can make the mom come around eventually :D


I am picturing a wonderful exchange where the mom shows up with her arms crossed but the boss just very matter of fact grabs her by the ass and begins to shove her into his salivating mouth. >:)


Fucking beautiful! I'll gush more after work.


Nice! The mom looks a bit like Jennifer Love Hewitt 😁 I think she’s going to wind up being a nice addition to his stomach herself 😋


Ok not off work so I'm gonna make this quick: The idea of this has been buzzing in my head since people brought it up. The idea of friends and family seeing this. Some send angry responses, others message the predator as to why this is turning them on, others offer themselves! Maybe a male figure in the girls life just leaves the message: 'hey if he didn't I would have', while others get mad because 'that was theirs and he stole'. I absolutely love it! Friends talk about how good of a fuck she was and that she'll be missed, and countless unknown people talk of how she was asking for it. Overall stupidly hot! Hope we get more stuff like this.


This is now one of your works I’m most looking forward to seeing more of 😁


Definitely need him to send her mom of a picture of her office space in the outside then have a internal to go with it!


Will this be related to the space cadets at all, as a new series where Tara's mum calls them to report this?


This takes place in the Space Cadet universe yes :) Not entirely sure how Tara's mom will end up yet


I love getting to see people respond to the devouring


I wonder what her mom would think if she found Tara mostly melted into a gooey puddle in her boss's stomach.


Will we get an internal shot