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This one took me a while to settle on how she was eaten.  I restarted the three of her being swallowed a bunch of times. I think I like these poses the most out of what I was thinking. I'm very glad this set is concluded so we can get the next celebrity started :)

What do you all think? Short and sweet vore comic or is the three page length leave you wanting more?




Exactly the way I expected her to be eaten


I want more but 3 is good enough. Keep up the work mate!!!!


Perfect ending for her!


Gonna be honest, I want more, but if this prevents burn out, do it man. As per usual, I am curious as to what that muffled speech translates to.


I'm content with such~ Not much more you could add for a fourth page really besides an external stomach bulge, struggling inside and conversation. So I think it works just fine, especially if it helps you clear up the queue. <3


Yea I figured someone would lol. But the good news is I might eventually add bonus pages of additional eating shots. It will depend how many Celebs I go through in a year with this new parameter


Thank you! I think it's going to at least help me get through the names on the list so everyone can see the girl they've been waiting for. And eventually some might get added pages of potentially set up or eating shots


1If you *sometimes* do a fourth page of settling in the stomach and/or digestion I won't argue with that.


I like how this looks! Angles you dont normally go for and love the throat shot.


That'd be great, but just make sure to take care of yourself my dude.


Would love to have 1 more page where the pelican spits out her bones/bikini because every celebrity has had at least 4 pages dedicated to them and also cuz your bone digestion art is the best. Also wish there was a shot with Margot’s toned stomach, but idk how that would be incorporated now.


Thank you very much! I was trying to avoid a typical pose with this one since the Pelican can be so flexible :)


I will take all of this into consideration :) Thanks for the feedback too I'm glad I know a little more of what you would like to see. I do think I'll be adding more digestion :)


I would really love to see one more page with an external stomach bulge with or without the outlines of her butt/boobs. Just one last shot of the full belly is all I need. It would really complete a great, unique, expertly done comic. No one does those bulges like you man, keep it up!!


These short ~3 page comics are great, especially for a series like this where there are so many great celebrities and prey to get to!


Might be a bit late but I think that 5 pages for these is really the perfect number. 3 is just too short and anything more then 7-8-9 pages can drag