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Hmmmmm.... I was going to post more of the written story here. But then I got an automated warning for using PO***GRAPHIC LANGUAGE

...it wouldn't even let me spell out the word por***raphic just now without giving me another warning. WOW

This might be a good time to start censoring the posts themselves again sadly. But I will include the link to view the uncensored version.  Damn it! And just when I got to the good part... Sorry :/ 

ALSO! If the pose looks familiar, let me give credit where credit is due. This shot and the one that will follow is heavily inspired by an amazing animation credit to ZONE that I saw a while ago. Loved the tentacle shots so much I used the pose as reference. They have a Patreon, and I would go check his work out!





Ooo wowowowow


Well that sucks. Is there an alternative way to read the story? Like maybe a separate post that leads to a piece of the script?


The full story is posted already. I'm going to make the post available to every tier now as well. I don't think it should be highest tier anymore.


Ah that's why I couldn't see it. Well, I hope they all lighten up soon.


To be honest I'm surprised they haven't banned me. They did temporarily way back, but I feel like they might again here soon.


Yeah I remember you mentioning that. Hopefully it never comes to pass.


I forget how long the ban lasted, all I remember was it was out of the blue and I was given 0 communication on how to reverse it. They just lifted it without a message of any kind before or after or since.


You know its good when there's an emoji hiding something... lol :) Great work


Haha! I would have left it out, but there are some warnings signs out that I should censor the xxx content now.


Dude this is soooooooo good!!!!


Tentacles are where it’s at


She seems to be enjoying for now at lease


You should be able to read the full story now. It's in an earlier post called nutmeg and flare.