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 Captain Kelly

Evidence Submission "12a-54JT"

Today our office received a distressing package from an unknown sender addressed to me. It was from the Leader of the “Green Finger Gang” Bogart Boggs. I had sent a detachment of my cadets to deliver a warrant for his arrest only a day ago. Having had no reply from them, I assumed that they were unsuccessful. 

We were in the process of gathering a response team to conduct an investigation when the package arrived. Once we read the letter attached we no longer saw a reason to conduct an inquiry. It detailed the exact fates of all 8 of my cadets that didn’t come back. Alongside the letter was the package itself. A box containing the uniforms of all my cadets, their name tags missing along with their tactical lingerie.

The letter read as follows:

“Dear Space Bimbos! Thank you so much for the gift basket you sent yesterday. Me and the boys enjoyed all the little french truffles you sent. They were delightful! We’re sending you back all the candy wrappers in hopes you will stuff more dames inside them. Hopefully so you send em back our way again. I personally ate the Lieutenant myself, and I must say she was such a thick little gulp of meat! 

Now, you might be pleased to hear that we didn’t eat all of em! Since there were only 7 of us and 8 of you all, we agreed to keep the thick nerdy one in the pantry for later. She says her name’s Monica, and that she was just the “Legal Rep” from Division making sure the arrest was kosher. 

I gotta say, she’s a kinky little book keeper. And BOY is she stacked with grade A, double D, 44 B, extra juicy girl flesh! The only reason she didn’t get gobbled up was because she hid behind an empty crate when the boys were feasting. But now that I have such a good look at her I’m thinking of the possibilities beyond just personal enjoyment. 

If you release some of my boys you got in captivity, then maybe I might consider letting this trophy fish swim back to you gals. But if not, well then I can’t say their aren't other interested parties in her beautifully expensive flanks of meat. You have three days.”

Inside the package was also a letter from Monica herself, and a picture of her insuring proof of life. Her message read as follows:

 “Oh my god please just do what they ask for! They talking bout selling me to Omar’s and putting my ass in a stew! The way they on me, I’m not gonna make it to Thursday. One of em’ keeps squeezing me like I’m raw chicken! Please Kelly! Tell my sis I’m not giving up but neither are they!

Two of em’ already got me halfway down their throat before the leader could stop em. And one of them actually got me all the way! He snagged me when no one was lookin and ate my ass all the way up. I’d be melted butter by now if the leader didn’t gut punch him and make me spit up my precious booty. He keeps saying I’m worth millions, but it doesn’t matter cuz they getting their money’s worth every few minutes. Please just do what they say, I don’t wanna end up like Catherine!”

Even though the capture of Monica is distressing, our Policy is that we simply don’t negotiate with Terrorists. Even if he would part with Monica’s incredibly juicy and wobbly ass, there’s just no way for us to release his other two associates without them immediately eating more innocent girls. Monica’s sister will take the news hard, but I think she will understand. I’m submitting the uniforms into evidence to hopefully get DNA samples on repeat offenders. It shouldn’t be hard due to the clothing being covered in a number of fluids. The picture of Monica will remain with me for further study.




So much space cadet stuff. Loving it


I have so many Space Cadets series that are lined up and I keep diving into them :D I'm having so much fun fleshing them out


I think we should send more in for a "rescue" mission. I want to see her swallowed so badly now.


I'm excited as hell then. Also, real quick, I adore the writing on these. First we have 7 cadets confirmed eaten, soon to b 8, which is enough material for a comic on its own. I just love how sweep-under-the- rug they are written. Just passingly mentioning that all cadets have lingerie, excused as being tactical when they're tactic is to just make em look more scrumptious. Just hinting that the clothing was covered in something other than saliva. Then you have the girls who even when unwillingly just refer to themselves as pieces of food, aware of how precious they really are. Its just great man.


Plot Twist: Captain Kelly is in fact the biggest vore-aphile in the cosmos and keeps sending more unwitting, poorly trained cadets into harm’s way on suicide missions in the express hope they’ll be devoured so she can then fap to the thought of their being consumed.


I love this idea of a gang send ransom pics of a girl they will eat if a deal isn’t made before the deadline. This could be a series with the gang sending more pictures of Monica in increasing worse situations as the deadline gets nearer! Next pic she is undressed, then she is sexual abused by the gang. The following pics has gang members tasting and licking her whole body. The next pic has be partially devoured and the final pic is just a stomach bulge of her completely swallowed with only one hour left to save her before digestion!


You're very close to the truth of Captain Kelly. She's a more than competent girl, but does have a rather compromising proclivity ;)


Oh shit that's a hell of a good idea. Constant countdown sent to the police department sharing the current state of Monica's peril. I'll have to save that Idea for another ransom series though. Just because I already have plans for Monica's exquisite meats ;)


I love this idea too! If you go that route please have some gratuitous tasting of her delicious chocolate feet with pale soles!


I swear these space cadets put themselves in such a Predicament ;)


Guesss not. Seems like these green finger gang members are large in numbers