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If anyone is following the news recently it's becoming clear that mobs can form at the drop of a hat. Justified or unjustified it seems that there's a very real desperation to find a target to call "evil" and attack unmercifully. 

The reason I titled this "I'm beginning to get scared" is because I have this encroaching feeling of a fate worse than death coming my way as a result of the kind of fetish art I make. Besides the personal guilt I wrestle with from time to time, I find I'm becoming more terrified of an angry mob being directed my way through the unpredictable channels of the internet.

I'm not saying I'm going to disappear (although these feelings are why I did the first time all those years ago), but I am saying that I'm really getting scared. 


Martin Dan Rasmussen

What kind of mob do you fear? Physical or shit Storm?


Dont worry man we support you


Shit storm/career assassination is the more likely but at this point who knows. In America right now there is just pure pandemonium! I'm watching footage of almost every American city under assault from rioters.


You will be fine mate. Understand what you feel I imagine most of us do. Simple fact is realistically there are much easier scapegoats than us so we will be fine in that regard

Martin Dan Rasmussen

I get it, but your art and that kind of art will never be part of such riots. Look I get you are afraid, but take it from a writer who has published some rough novels. They are just art. Your art is art. The things I write, the stuff you draw, fascinates us, we explore themes but art is fantasy, it is entertainment and a shit Storm will only kill your career if you agree on the Premise that you are doing something wrong. As long as you can hold your head High, go - this is Just art. Nothing more nothing Else. Art and artist are not the same thing, and try not to care too much about stuff, you are good


I suppose you're right and thanks! I guess I'm fine,..so long as there isn't a slow news day if you know what I mean. I've seen teenagers publicly humiliated nationwide for wearing a China themed dress to their prom. Or a genuinely kind person called evil for a tweet from 12 years ago that anyone could have said.


We all support you man, always!


I support you and your predators!!!!!! love the artwork you had done!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!! If you have a female predator Id love to adopt one LOL. :) #1!!!


Wait are you talking about a Protest that is happening in Minnesota with George Floyd death?


People able to allow their inner desires to escape threw artistic expression have always been persecuted by people who have their desires suppressed and hidden. There is no reason to feel guilty about being honest.


I get scared when angry mobs are out and about. I guess I'm just venting my anxiety. I get nervous easily.


Well we all need to vent out once and awhile when everyone get nervous sometimes. But don't worry man just keep doing what you do best and don't let fear takeover.


Coman dude... Chill... You will be fine... Just stay away from the streets for couple of days and all will be good... Besides your art is great... Am in no place to tell you not to be anxious or worry... But i think most feel the same... Just thinking about it doesn't really solve anything... Watch Netflix and chill


It's a sad day when we find empirical data for why we need assault rifles so to protect the individual from the mob. When people live in civilised society where the worst of human nature is suppressed for so long and the best of human nature optimised we forget how bad people can really be. This isn't an accident either all of the worst people have to offer is being elicited by the politicians and media we're supposed to be able to trust to maintain civilisation not turn it into some kind of post apocalyptic wasteland. I guess as long as you don't own a brick and mortar small business you're fine though. Don't flaunt your riches. https://streamable.com/ibwexe What is it we called it when people would attack Jewish shops?