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Trouble in the Dune Sea

The three girls were getting their speeder bikes ready for a Journey into the dune sea of Tatooine. Julia agreed to lead the girls to Jabba’s palace. But that was not to be their first stop. It turned out that Julia found her pet sand squid Prub in the middle of the dessert by chance. She had noticed him crawling away from a rather incredible scene close by. He described what had happened there (excluding his sensuous meal) and begged Julia for her to take him out of there. In exchange for this he offered Julia the location of a speeder bike that had crashed. He assured her of valuable spare parts. But what Julia really found was the beacon location to Tamara’s unoccupied ship. 

After hearing the story, Stella and Melion asked Julia to take them to the original scene to see if they could learn anything of Tamara’s abduction. 

Stella: It was in the middle of the dune sea, are you sure you remember how to get there? 

Julia: This place is my backyard. I know it all just looks like sand to you but there are ways to know each area at a glance. Don’t worry, I can get us there. The real question is why go back in the first place? I didn’t stay too long but it looked like an intense fight happened there. And the only body left was Prub’s massive headless hulk.

Prub: Hey! You’re gonna make fun of me even after I lost everything! You know how long it took to get that big! How many years it’s going to take to even grow a body back at all? 

Julia: Awww Prubby, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sure you’ll grow your body back in no time.

Prub: I would if I got some reliable protein. C’mon Julia let me get a bite of that sweet aa…

Julia smacked prub across the face before he could finish. His head went spinning, causing his antenna tendril to twist four times over.

Julia: Were you about to say ass?

Julia playfully smacked her sculptural ass meat right in front of Prub’s drooling mouth. 

Julia: Haha you’re too much you know that Prub? Aww wittle prubbyyy!

Stella: Why is that thing…what is he going to help us with again?

Julia: I can’t leave my little Prubby boy behind. I know he’s a little pervy, but he’s harmless. I never had a pet before you know. Besides, he said he saw the whole thing happen. But he also said he was crawling away before a lot of it went down. 

Melion: You did? Prub did you see my sister? What happened?

Stella: You didn’t tell me he saw! Did you see my Master? She was sent with her Padawan to rescue the princess. What happened? 

Prub was a smarter creature than he looked. He was single minded in his pursuit. And his pursuit was food. Sand squids like him could grow to enormous size. As long as they had continuous food they would continue to grow. Prub had grown big due to his ability to lie in wait until the opportunity for food had presented itself. Prub had heard everything that was said when the three girls met inside the ship. He knew Melion was the younger sister to Tamara, his daydream of a last meal. He knew the Jedi’s Master and Padawan were the same that cut his head off of his hard earned body. And he even pieced together that the Massive Bounty hunter that defeated those two was the same creature that Julia just admitted devoured her own mother. 

Prub had made Juia his undying request since the girl came and took him in. Every second he looked at Julia, he remembered how sweet that girl Tamara had tasted. But now, her little sister was right there in the flesh. He maintained his lust for Julia, but now also for Melion. The Jedi however, was a constant reminder of what had happened to him. He needed to figure out how to become big enough again to fully consume the girls, and he also needed to figure out how to get the Jedi girl out of the equation. Prub was quietly making his plans as he replied.

Prub: Daaaaaaah I don’t remember nothing. Prub’s brain scrambled!

Stella: Julia, from now on, please refrain from hitting Prub unless it’s absolutely necessary. We need to know what he saw that night when he crawled away. 

Julia: Ok, but he tends to get really pervy unless I give him a whop! Don’t get mad at me when he starts yelling “Aaooga” at your perfect breasts haha. 

Melion: Guys, time is of the essence. We need to be as fast as possible if we are going to save my mother. Julia, if you get us to the crash site and then Jabba’s palace I promise you Alderaan will pay you my pledge and more. 

Julia: Well then let’s all shut up and head out already haha. 

Julia started her speeder bike with a howling engine. Melion and Stella ignited theirs in turn. Julia turned her bike east and swung around in the seat back towards the girls. 

Julia: Now there’s a reason Prub got as big as he did out there! It’s a dangerous valley we are heading out towards! The crash site was not far from Jabba’s Palace and he made a point of building his home in the middle of the Sarlaac sea! It’s practically surrounded by a 20 mile moat of monsters! 

Stella: We know it’s going to be dangerous! We weren’t born yesterday!

Julia: When we hit the dunes I’m going to hit top speed! Keep up with me and don’t ride single file! Fan out and use the open space! You’ll be fine!

Julia hit the gas and sped off onto the horizon. Stella and Mellion were close behind. The three rode for an hour toward the location of Prub’s hole. They zoomed across the landscape headlong over the wisping sands.

Stella and Melion both recognized that Julia was driving a modified speeder bike. A popular and expensive base model Q that had been customized for raw speed. It was electric red and in mint condition. Melion looked over to Stella as they rode behind.

Melion: Do you see that? It’s incredible!

Stella: Indeed! I can see why she was Jabba’s favorite! A Jedi shouldn’t stare, but it’s so hard not to! It’s so round, it’s like a…

Melion: Hahaha No you creep, the bike! Either she’s already rich or she really knows how to use a wrench! Our bikes can barely keep up!

Stella: Right! The bike! That’s what I was talking about! 

Melion laughed as they closed the distance with Julia. Their bikes were now only ten feet behind Julia’s bike. The three of them zoomed over the landscape at 80 miles an hour. 

Melion: How much farther!?

Julia: We’re getting close! It’s hard to say! But the Dune Sea is right up there! Get ready and remember what I said!

Melion: Wait hang on! Your bike! I don’t think ours can…

Julia: Now! Punch it!

Julia took off like a bullet. Her bike roared forward leaving Melion and Stella far behind. They pushed their bikes to their speed limits but Julia was still steadily leaving them behind. They did their best to spread out but since Julia was so far ahead they feared they would lose her so they kept on her trail. 

A few minutes later they were 100 yards behind Julia. The two of them looked at each other and began to worry. They scooted closer together so they could hear each other again.

Melion: I don’t think she knows how far ahead she is! We might lose her!

Stella: We can still follow the wake she’s leaving in the sand!

Melion: Yes but she said not to follow directly behind her! 

Stella: I still don’t know why! That’s the only way we can follow her lead!

Mellion: I know! But she said the Sarlaac’s are..

Just then Melion was snatched off her bike by a large tentacle from the sand. Stella saw her disappear and whipped her bike around. She saw Melion being hoisted up into the air by a Sarlacc. 

Stella: Princess! No!

Melion: Stella! Ahhhh what’s happening? Oh no it’s got me. Oh my gosh it’s so creepy! Get it off me!

Stella: Just hang on!

The Sarlacc was wrapping it’s tendrils sensually around Melion’s young body. It held her upside down and gave her juicy thighs a few trying squeezes to judge the quality of the meat. It liked what it felt and began to lower Melion towards its now exposed mouth protruding from the pit.

Across the dessert, Julia had turned around and noticed the girls had stopped. She stopped and looked back to see them doing exactly what she didn’t want to see. They were off of their bikes and Melion was already being roped in by a Sarlacc Pit Monster. 

Julia:Ugh you can’t be serious...I told them to keep up and not drive in a line.

And there they are getting coiled up like I said they would...I swear, 20 ships isn’t worth being Sarlaac slury. I don’t have to save them. We just met for fuck’s sake...I don’t have to.... Guuuhh!! Damn it!!

Julia hit the gas and sped back towards the girls on her bike.

Melion: Stella Hurry! 

Stella had dismounted from her bike. She ran towards Melion who was now only inches away from the Sarlacc’s open and salivating mouth. She ignited her lightsaber and threw it spinning toward the tentacle that held up Melion. It cut her free but had cross purposely dropped Melion’s succulent frame straight down into the Sarlacc’s eager mouth. It worked Melion’s body, chewing her softly and slurping her sweet legs down with care. A few brief moments passed before Melion was satisfyingly slurped up and gulped down the monster’s throat.

Stella: Damn it! No! 

A few blaster bolts struck the face of the monster. Stella turned around and saw Julia speeding in on her bike. The bolts caused the tendrils of the Sarlacc to flail more wildly than before.

Julia: What happened?!!

Stella: It got Melion! We need to get her back now!

Julia: That’s no surprise! I told you not to follow directly behind me! My bike woke it up and you both drove straight into it! 

Stella: Save it! You were going too fast and you know it! Keep shooting we have to get Melion!

Julia: I’m sorry but you don’t just get back someone in a Sarlacc’s stomach! If we stay this close it’s going to snag us too!

Stella: Just shoot the tentacles! I need to get close!

Julia strafed on her bike in a circle around the Sarlacc. Shooting her blaster at the swirling arms in the air. Stella jumped and backflipped and swung her lightsaber at the arms trying to close the distance with the head. The arms were so elusive. Julia hit one out of every 9 shots she fired and the bolts only angered the Sarlacc. Stella cut two of the arms but only at the tops. They were still and threat and there were so many of them. 

Julia: Stella I don’t think this is going to work! We need to…

One of the Sarlacc’s arms slammed into Julia knocking her off of her bike. She hit the sand unconscious and her bag that had Prub inside fell and spilled him beside her. He looked up and saw the incredible roaming hillside that was Julia’s ass right beside him. He saw her unconscious and crawled closer to try to steal a taste of the girl he so desperately desired. But was cut off when the Sarlacc’s arm came for her and wrapped her up at the ankle and lifted her away.

Prub: Aww C’mon! You Sarlacc’s ALWAYS ALWAYS steal all the fun! She was mine you Hack Sack!

Stella: Damn it No! Let…her..go!!!

The Jedi threw her lightsaber again in order to cut the arm holding Julia. She was still a safe distance away from the mouth in order to be cut free. But one of the flailing arms knocked the lightsaber away mid flight and it spun away. As Julia was being lowered towards the mouth Stella tried to use the force to keep the arms off of herself, but it was no use. The arms overwhelmed her and coiled her up too. She was lifted into the air. 

Stella: Damn these cursed monsters! Julia wake up! It’s going to eat you!

Her screams were no use. The Sarlacc slowly lowerd Julia down into it’s mouth. It took even more time to relish the flavor of Julia as its tongue explored the savory flavor of her tanned skin. Julia force pulled her lightsaber back to her, looked at the arm, but paused before igniting it. 

She looked back towards Julia, who’s legs were disappearing down the throat of the monster, and she found the answer. Instead of igniting her lightsaber, she closed her eyes and meditated. Still holding her lightsaber close to her chest, she let the Sarlacc position her to be it’s next meal. It flipped her upside down and explored her fit young body. Tentacles squeezed at her ass to again judge the quality of the meat she offered. It probed at her lips and ran a tendril down her tight feminine tummy. It liked what it felt so much that it lustfully dropped her straight into it’s mouth. It held her there for a moment and then slurped her down like a spaghetti noodle.

It was quiet after that. The idle motors of the speedbikes were all that filled the air as time stood still. But then, out of the Monster’s long neck, Stella’s lightsaber poked out the side. It held there straight out before gracefully swirling 360 degrees in one savage motion. The head of the Sarlacc jumped right off it’s neck and was sent sailing off by a force push from Stella.

Stella then backflipped off onto the sand floor of the dessert. She held out her arm and concentrated. After a few tense moments the bodies of Melion and Julia raised into the air out of the slimy husk of the Sarlacc. She laid them onto the sand beside her, sheathed her lightsaber, and let out a huge sigh of relief. Prub, who was right next to Stella, yelled out..

“Ha! That’s how it feels! Take that you greedy Sarlaac! That’s for stealing all the best tits for yourself all these years! You’re not eating these bitches! No sir haha,..This pussy is all mine! You hear me? All mi..

Stella kicked Prub across the Sarlacc as hard as she could. He screamed and protested when he almost fell down the slope into the gurgling mess. Just then Stella looked down to see Melion and Julia breathing heavily and staring up at her.

Julia: I thought you said…*catching her breath* …not to hit him haha.

Stella: It was necessary.

The three girls laughed as they reclined onto their backs, completely exhausted, but alive.



Poor poor Sarlacc, had 3 meaty beauties squirming down it gullet. At least it got a good taste before it was so rudely decapitated. Thinking of them jiggling in all the right places as the laugh laying covered in slime exhausted in the sand has my imagination working in overdrive😁


Ooh that's such a great picture Idea. That might have to be a key one that gets illustrated. And so happy you read it! It's honestly going to be a good story! I have so much planned for it :D


Oh I can tell. I keep checking every few hours for a continuation, on the edge of my seat. I've actually read them all a few times lol. printed the pic of the 3 heroes now and I'll read it again ;-)


Will this get picked up again


That's a great question. I haven't really updated anyone with its status so thanks for asking. I have hit a rut with the story and don't know where I want to go. I have outlines but I'm not happy with most of them. Also the Space Cadets stories I am writing have sort of become more interesting and fun for me to do. SOOOOooooo.....I will make a post about the future of the story. At least explaining where it is currently. But all that said, I do want to finish it.


Yea, really enjoyed the series so far. You definitely have a knack for storytelling, I think this format of story chapters with a couple visuals works great