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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to pick your brains about how I'm doing. I know I've been slow to post recently and I apologize for that. If all of you are anything like me, new quality vore content can make my day. So I know what it's like to check on my favorite artists every day for something new. 

That being said I wanted to ask the question again. Do you all enjoy quantity over quality? Or vice versa?

I seem to be skimming on some line between the two and feel like I need to dedicate to one. Like I'm not the greatest vore artist in quality and I take what feels like too long to make a meager quantity. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Also side note, depending on the results of this poll, I'm thinking about releasing a schedule for my comics. Maybe try to make dent in my growing pile of to do list comics.

Here are a few that I have roughed out but haven't decided which order to make them in.

1) Space Cadet Colleen (part 2 of Yoga snack)

2) Dentistry Malpractice 

3)Space Cadet Charlotte 

4) Sheerah's Lust 

5) Succulents of the Suburbs part 1

6) Into the Amazon: Katie's Odyssey 

7) Space Cadet Incident Report: Crave at the Rave

8) Space Cadet Incident Report: Eating ATM

9) Beast Boy's Celebrity Tour



Always worth the wait....quality


I can wait for quality work


Theres enough people that post ok vore stuff every other day. Quality


The quality is worth the wait even if we must stand here for a thousand years


Obviously finding a balance is ideal, but I'd hate to see you start producing really sub-par work just to get something out there. I never mind seeing the sketches come out before you've colored them, but definitely don't sacrifice the quality. I'd definitely be excited for more of Sheerah's Lust or Space Cadet Colleen but everything you put out is awesome, so whatever order you do I'm sticking around for the journey. :)


We all came here or followed you for the quality in both the artwork and the story telling. But hands down the space cadets series is sublime.


I've found that just letting myself cut loose and do a bunch of shooting or editing in a fairly short time (like a single weekend) helps clear out any trepidation I have about quality. And once I've sort of "cleared out the cobwebs," and assuming I wasn't on a tight deadline, I'll go back with a more patient eye and iron out any details I feel could use some improvement. Oh, and Space Cadet: Eating ATM >:)


I think we all would secretly prefer 'quantity', but honestly quality is much more important. As many people have already said, we support you because of the amazing content you are able to produce which is MILES ahead of what other vore artists are capable of. Do I wish I could see your illustrations on a much more frequent basis? Yes! But that would be selfish of me, considering the amount of time and effort you put into each one of your drawings, even going back and making edits when a patron notices any flaws. For your own sanity and well being, I think taking your time with these drawings is better because obviously you have a life to live and shouldn't get too burnt out over your own content. Just my 2 cents...


That’s an interesting set of titles you have there! Can we get a brief description on what each one will be about?


"Succulents of the Suburbs" sounds very interesting! As does "Beast Boy's Celebrity Tour". Very much looking forward to seeing some of the celebrities you mentioned awhile back get vored - especially the lovely Jenna Fischer ;)


Hey thanks! Yes I think if I upped the quantity it would be basically getting rid of the shading on everything and really dirt simple backgrounds. And possibly cuting story out. So I think I'm glad to see so many of you are in favor of the quality!


Everything you said is so considerate I want to just cry lol. I'm so happy and lucky to have fans like yourself.


I think you are about the greatest vore artist in quality for what you do. You got your own style I have not seen the match of. I just wish this would be your only job. You could be cranking them out. Thats the dream


Looking forward to Yoga snack myself. Love seeing those gullible jiggly cadets gobbled up


Much as I hunger for new posts, I say quality. I've been there myself, and watching yourself slide backwards artistically just for the sake of more frequent posts can be a real inspiration-killer. Better to be slow but proud of how well each new piece comes out

Aidan Winner

Regardless of quantity or quality I love your work, and cant wait for more space cadet content!


quality with Beast Boy's Celebrity Tour. Hoping it's either Gal Gadot being first up :p


Here here! I'm glad so many of you feel the same way. I actually have the same opinion of all of my favorite artists. Quality work is always better than a Michael Bay film every other month. Lol


Your wish is my command! Thank you so much for your loyal support and definitely your feedback!


Mmmmm Gal Gadot has to have something slurp up those long legs of hers, that much is certain...but what?


To achieve both is just a matter of prioritizing. Of course one wants to always do one's best, but to select a few with an emphasis on quality and to emphasize quantity with the rest could be an effective compromise between the two.


A balance between the two is good but definitely quality! Can’t wait to see more of your work! Do any of these new stories have to do with our little snack??