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"He played with her in his mouth. Tossing her around and sucking on her like a piece of candy. He let her slip out of his mouth every now and again, enjoying the brief moments of hope it gave the girl, only to rip it away from her again and again as he sucked her back into his mouth."




I think shes starting to enjoy this :)


Animation please ^_^ lol Great work as usual x


I know I wish it was too! HOWEVER...just between you me and whoever so happens to read this reply,...I did just spend a lot of money to finally buy a top notch animation software for 2d animating called "Harmony/ToonBoom. I have been dusting off my skills so that I can add another element to this Patreon page :DD How exciting is that!? haha


Really like how the tongue is rapped around her body and the face she’s making is perfect and delicious ;)


Her mouth says stop but her body language seems to be enjoying it quite a bit.