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With the cover of darkness, Otho begins to have his way with the she meat of the terrified girl. Confident that the jungle will conceal him, he waylays into the girls softer parts. Discovering the rare liberties and forbidden pleasures of this off limits royal flesh. Palavi struggles in vain as her doughy limbs are trapped tight in Otho's impossibly strong grip. Leaving her feminine figure open for easy access and heavy use. 

Palavi mumbles in protest as one of Otho's tendrils forces it's way down her fledgling  esophagus. This beautiful songbird's music box now serving as a fresh sock for Otho's abhorrent appendage. All while another tendril barges into Palavi from behind. It's girth filling every inch of Palavi's gentle and ever so tight blossom!

Otho salivates at the sight of Palavi's juicy flanks jiggling helplessly from the onslaught. Day dreaming how they must be ashamed of their seductive dance. Wishing they could do anything but tantalize a hungry predator into immediate indulgence. Otho's mind was hysterical with the thought of Palavi's extraordinary muscles soon to be food stuff for his ...un-ending appetite. 




You do curves very well :p

no one

I’ve been waiting for this follow up for a long time and good god it did not disappoint. Those were some grade A quality hams and Otho is completely in the right when meat looks that tasty