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Hiiiii there lovely peeeeeps!^-^

You know, I love drawing fanarts of everybodies favorite waifu or the new best girls, but I also loooooove drawing my OCs, especially Suco! So I've been asking myself... would you enjoy a month full of Suco drawings?

It would just be one month - kinda a special in July - and there would still be at least one of the Otaku Box drawings and two Tier 5 drawings that wouldn’t have Suco-content (except it occurs that someone actually commissions me to draw my own OC ?) and the Tier 4 suggestion post for July could be about suggestion themes, outfits (maybe crossovers?) or kinks for Suco....

I would enjoy doing more Oc stuff in generel - but I'm afraid everybody mostly wants fanart. I'm not sure if you guys actually like Suco that much, but a special could maybe also help to boost her popularity a bit!

Let me know what you think!



Jeremy Soto

I personally am 100% ok with a Suco month she’s awesome


I would enjoy a month filled with Suco. Of all the OCs from any artist she is one of my favorites.

Joshua islas

Hell yes. 💕😍💕😍😍💕😍💕😍 Draw her just brushing her teeth. I'll watch anything of her. 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Purple Dan

Awww yeah sounds like an awesome idea ;)


I'm on board. But by "crossover" do you mean Suco drawn in another characters likeness or just the outfit?


I would like that. But including Patty wouldnt be bad too ^^


I always like seeing her drawings when you make them, I think it's fair to focus on your own stuff for a month and reasonable people(even who prefer fan art) aren't going to feel put off by it. If you did every other month all Suco I'd still be ok with it, but I'd probably start to miss seeing your perspectives on other things eventually if you did ALL Suco.


Awww, she is one of your faves? Omg thank you! 🥺❤️

Jeffrey Ward

It isn't what I would go for, but I'm sure I'd like the pictures regardless.


Maybe kinda like the drawing of 2B wearing Tifa's outfit. I don't mind changing her hairstyle or cut a bit, but she should still be recognizable as Suco. A nice crossover could also be something like „What would she look like, if she would be a hero/villain in the world of My Hero Academia?“ (but still lewd, lol). That's actually something I would love to draw someday!^-^


Thanks! Would love to do at least one with Suco and Patty together^-^


Thank you! ❤️☺️ Yeah, I also enjoy drawing fanart, so I actually wouldn't want to go full OC anyway, hehe 😬


Thanks, liking fanart more isn't a crime, so no problem! 👍


I would totaly enjoy a month full of glorious suco drawings! But on the other side summer is coming and seeing wips and drawings of your piping hot succubus every day could be pretty dangerous 🔥🔥🔥

Lucas Starrk

I would like a month of Suco yeah. :)


Omg thank you, that's a great compliment for Suco! Get your fan or AC ready for this sommer, hehe 😬


Suco fill me with Joy, a month full would be great!!


Suco is the reason I’m a patron, I look forward to her drawings the most


I would love a Suco special month! 💙


Aw, thaaaanks, I'm so happy to get so many positive comments! 😭❤️


For reeeaaal? Omg, that's soooo awesome, thaaaaank you so much! 🥰❤️


I'm new here and I wouldn't mind this at all! In fact, how about a poll to see which outfit from an anime or video game you could draw her in! I'd love it!


I like your Suco drawings the most out of all your awesome drawings so far, so I wouldn't mind at all! <3


Umm, Sevie? You had better, if you know what's good for you, dedicate a month to Suco. She's honestly one of the most unique OCs I've seen.

Frank Leo

take your time