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Well, it is February now (has been for a while) and that means fem/slash fiction--as if that is somehow unusual for me. 

As far as goals go, I would like to get the next chapter of I Think Our Boss is a Supervillain posted. I am also going to work on a couple of really short pieces just to get back into tempo. I feel way better after adding Effexor to my list of "brain batteries"--I am less in my own way--and that has my fingers itching like they have not in a while.

The next big story is Rising to Expectations which is an office romance comedy where our non-binary protagonist finds themselves wrapped up with an older woman who is pretty much their sexual fantasy. However, their sudden relationship is not the only weird thing going on. They find themselves... growing and becoming more dominant--as if they themselves are becoming their lover's fantasy, too. For those interested, I attached the rough opening so you can get a feel for Mel.

I also have a multi-part caption story with Bury in the works which involves a series of intellect and libido-boosting transformations that see the protagonist mysteriously developing one hell of a figure over the course of four morphs.

Anyway, let me know what you think of Mel and Heather, too. Keep your eyes peeled for the first draft (hopefully this week sometime) or—at the very least—the next bit of this scene which gives Mel a better idea of what they are getting into.


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