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It is no secret that my workload is a bit insane at times and that has really been an issue this month as I work on finalizing Changelog v2 and, as a result, have hardly gotten anything done for those of who I owe commissions to. Here is the status of those stories...

- Fidgeting - Working on fixing some continuity errors before putting out #4. Will probably republish #3 with fixes in the near future.
- My Date is a Mage - Have started and scrapped several plots. Mostly stuck on how to progress the scenario in a way that makes sense. Probably going to have Jaya get called into work and have her faced with figuring out how to fit into her costume since she works at an amusement park as a cast member.
- Queen of Boobs - Actually hip deep in this one and a preview goes up tonight. Going to try squeezing it in between all the Changelog stuff.
- The Publisher's Club Ongoing - Taking this month off to build a new scenario. If you are a member of the PubClub, you should be seeing polls about those things. Am likely going to shake up the format a bit once we get rolling and have bi-weekly flash pieces instead of a monthly sketch so that there is more opportunity for audience choice to play a role.
- Fallen Atop the Mountain - I have one last prompt based on a virtue to use for an Uteri story.


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