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Okay, here's the situation. When I initially started this three years ago, I never intended to make it full-time with the blog. I created the animations for myself because of my love for Skyrim and the desire to transform it into my own action game.

At first, I thought it could serve as a thank-you gesture for those who subscribed to the blog. However, they were well-received, mainly because, let's be honest, there wasn't much competition back then.

Now, I genuinely feel as though my presence in the animation scene is no longer necessary, or at least not without sacrificing everything else and engaging in constant competition with other animators. To be frank, I'm not willing to make that sacrifice. I enjoy working on the blog, I'm passionate about my game project, and I recently got married, which has added further responsibilities.

Therefore, I feel that I have no choice but to discontinue my animation work. I could have taken another month or two to update my animations to SCAR or OAR before writing this message, but that would have been dishonest and ungrateful towards those who have supported me all this time.

Believe me, this decision has not been an easy one for me. As I have expressed numerous times before, Patreon is not just a side-gig; it's my primary source of income. I have treated both the blog and animations as my job, so by taking this step now, I'm taking a significant risk, considering that a substantial portion of my supporters are here solely for the animations. However, this step needs to be taken, and I don't want to waste any more of your time with my ramblings.

I will continue working on the blog, and with the cessation of my animation work, I will now have more time to update it regularly with new tags and posts. I have also upgraded my PC to better showcase my game, and I may even create a few gameplay and mods/animation recommendation videos for Skyrim.

Finally, if you are a patron who recently subscribed annually solely for the animations and would like a refund, please send me a direct message on Patreon, and I will make arrangements to refund you. Please note that it may not be immediate, but I will keep your name and aim to process the refunds in the coming months."



In my humble opinion you and mofu are the best animators, second to none. Also the blog is the ultimate blog.

Desmun Campbell

I'm thankful for your animations but one thing is, rather than looking to make something up remember "animation CREATION" is your imagination not a re-crwation. Take your time allow yourself to breathe and make your OWN creations. Think if you had a kung fu fight with a legend how would you do it. Nothing is ever done the exact same. You can do this. Pick one weapon insist a specific type mod and live through that weapon... Tonfa lol

Hưng Trịnh

been a subcriber for a while, sad to see you go, but good luck to you and to your family and take care


Well, that sucks. Thank you for your hard work. I've been using your blog since there wasn't any paywall back in the day because it's the best i could find and your animations are great. I still use some of them because it's just so good.


Some of the best animations we have seen, I'm sad to hear this :(


All love to you. You changed the game :) one of the greatest


Sad to see you go. You're one of the best.

selfryn litnzear

votre travails est remarquable et je suis honoré d'avoir pris ce train patreon avant votre retraite . best luck for futur


thanks for all of your commitment to the skyrim modding community, and thank you for sharing your work with us here. I hope you had fun! I'll be using your animations in skyrim until, forever!!

Nic H

I just recently discovered your blog - mainly I was here for the animations. Thanks to your blog I managed to find an armor I was looking to find since forever. Granted, I had to scroll through numerous pages but in the end I found it - thanks a lot for all of your hard work on that blog!! Must've been a crazy amount of work to collect and integrate all that info - a job really well done!


Does the discord server not work? It's not working for me.


It's still working fine. Check this quick guide from patreon https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role