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I spent more time practicing my character creating workflow, getting the hang of the steps and sussing out common glitches.  This WIP image is all pre substance painter so I'm pretty happy with how distinct her face looks already.  She looks like a Lucy and so now by the supreme law of laziness her name is Lucy.

The body is a bit typical compared to what I've normally done, so I'm hoping to give it some more individuality with some sculpting and painting.  For example, her breasts look a lot like Maev's, she's got a similar build to my other characters despite being a lot softer, and there isn't much interesting going on with her skin.

I'm not sure how I feel about her hair.  It's fine, but I might be able to do something better that compliments her more.  Maybe I'll try out doing a ponytail, though those can be difficult compared to buns.

I'd also like to experiment with tans, mainly tan lines.  It could be a fun way of shaping the body and giving it some individuality.

Finally I'd like to start experimenting with making my own clothing.  Nothing complicated, just simple stuff to see if I can do it.  I might make a poll about it.  As a related question, does anyone know why when I subdivide the mesh the subdiv modifier reacts poorly to it?  Even if the subdivision creates only 3 and 4 sided polygons, the modifier still has trouble with it and creates these really jagged edges.  I'd like to subdivide the breasts so I can have an easier time squeezing them with clothing, but this problem is getting in my way.




Tan lines 👌as for the subd, I had the same issue. In the end I had to smooth out the edges with sculpt tool


I agree with you on her hair, it doesn't really suit her face, I can't really think of a hairstyle that will but anything similar to this just won't work. Considering this is before you take her into Substance Painter she's looking good, can't wait to see what you get up to. Tan lines, definitely tan lines, get 'er done. Regarding the SubD issue I think I know what problem but I don't know the solution, I don't believe I ever got around it, it might have something to do with shapekeys or the armature or something, I have no idea.