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Here's a small look into the process of trying to arrive at the right look and animation in Blender, and this doesn't even include the renders I did without lighting.  It's been a bit... frustrating to work on the animation, but not really because of the animation itself.  I've been messing around with the post processing in Blender and it's certainly costed me some time.  I've determined that more often than not it's best to go without it.


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imsosorry... but that fat unrealistic cock..... cmon Nyl... ley down on the fat will u?




Nyl usually does like 10 or more second loops, with 60 FPS that's 600+ frames. If have you have 5 minutes per frame render (which is super decent tbh) you are looking at render times in days just for one angle.




I appreciate the offer and in some cases that could be pretty helpful, but the logistical cost of organizing the transaction, preparing the project file, and testing for errors is a little bit too much effort to go through for the simple loops that I do. If I knew more about packing and file prep with a Blender workflow I wouldn't mind outsourcing the render process, but at the same time that would still force me to work with someone else's schedule. I don't really mind making the blend files public, in fact I've considered it before.


Interesting, I'll have to take a look. Thanks for the information.


Render 3 looks like Pharah is going into Maximum Overdrive. 1 and 4 look great though


Distributing files depend on how you setup and organize your files but the basic process is very simple. The basic thing is to go to File >> External Data >> Automatically Pack Into .blend (and save the file). Now all resources are stored and you only have to distribute .blend files and their relative folders (if they aren't in the same folder) If you don't know why I say .blend files as in plural, it's because proxies and file linking. The basic point of this is to be able to use characters/models in multiple scenes but only need one file to update for changes across all animation files (like .mdl in sfm) ------------------- sheep-it does not "allow" for nsfw unless you hide it visually (I asked), because people see the image being rendered. I think there's a way to hide it via render layers but figuring it out isn't worth the effort IMO.