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So this was a trip.

I've spent a while looking for a good version of Yen, but I ended up porting a model from XNA and that took quite a while.  It's... still a work in progress.  I've had to make some masking textures as well as an SSS map to get her up to speed.  The biggest problem is the hair, I struggle with the material.  I also had to do all the IK rigging for her and there are still a lot of unwieldy bones.

As for Ciri, Mets put up a model on smutba.se a while ago that works pretty well.  Since the whole port was done for me, I decided to do something that I've been failing at for months now.  SEAMLESS DICKS!

I basically attached a dick to the model.  MUCH more complicated than you'd think.  I've failed multiple times.  However, thanks to months of experience, I actually kind of knew what to do this time.  The result?  No more seam, more sculpting opportunities, more organized workflow, etc.  There are a few kinks to work out, but if I can get everything working then this'd be huge (for me).  I'm not looking forward to doing this on other models, it's a bunch of menial work.




Nice! I'm a sucker for a good model. Any chance you'd make them public? Can't wait to see what you do with them.


I can throw you a link once they're all fixed up if you want.

Norman A. Letterman

Damn quality modelling. Your effort in the advancement of dick grafting is much appreciated.