October 2024 Animation Challenge - DAY 2 (Patreon)
I bring you another good title: Sneak Peak.
I originally had just planned for the one under angle shot, but it just wasn't very scary apart from being set in RE8. So, I decided to use my extra time to try to fill it out... and that brilliant idea left me with 5 minutes to spare on this one. Thankfully no crippling tech issues this time, just a few small things. I'm absolutely not looking forward to tomorrow though, I was supported to recharge my batteries a bit today but instead I'm more tired than ever.
If you liked the jump scare at the end, you can thank @PhysXstudios for coming in clutch with the doll model. If you didn't like the jump scare, you can blame @PhysXstudios for coming in clutch with the doll model.