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So here's my take on Brigitte. Sort of my first try making that kind of brawny, 'strong with some fat' type body. It went alright, I think the look works for her. I tried softening up a lot of the muscular details and added fat where I could, but I didn't want to stray too far from her original look. Proportionally she's pretty close to her in-game model - aside from the genitals.

Speaking of genitals: when you make as many bodies as I have, the details start to really matter. Dicks would be no exception. So for this one I wanted to push it a little further and see what I could come up with. It's not easy making these things look new and different, especially when modeling and texturing are only some of a handful of things I do.




Are you gonna make every "buff" character a futa


hello , im curious to know if , you have any street fighter girl as Futa pls ? or do you know an artist who has those pls ty