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And that just about wraps it up for this challenge. It has been a considerably less stressful one (by design) and I feel like I still got to stretch some creative muscles. By this time on the last two challenges my brain was starting to melt out of my ears.

For this animation in particular I was just trying out some hand animated cum shots and it went alright. I have some ideas for improvements and there were a few things that surprised me for the better. Originally I had set this up to be a solo animation, but it felt like adding tracer to hold the phone could make it more interesting. It's a little less sterile now.

As far as the rest of the participants go, we had a pretty great time working through the challenge together. It's a fun and unique opportunity to be able to share WIPs, talk through problems, and bullshit around under such specific circumstances. Due to some late additions we ended up having a lot of newcomers again but I think they all caught on pretty quick.



Quin Lucenius

God DAMN. Nobody can make better animations involving thick, veiny, throbbing futa cock like you can. 11/10


Just some late night bonding with a "friend" lovely!!!