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Sex Education 1x5 “Episode 5” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 0
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 0
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 2
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2024-02-08
  • 2 votes
{'title': 'Sex Education 1x5 “Episode 5” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 8, 18, 51, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 2}


Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/y97zz4

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TIxVEve0ZcA6OP4sTzHcT8ccVIf5gy7y/view?usp=drivesdk



I don't really see Maeve as using Otis to be honest. With the clinic, sure she doesn't do as much as he does, but I feel like she doesn't realise she likes him, or maybe just denying it to herself, and this episode she just turned to the one person she felt comfortable with, but I feel like she would do the same for him if he asked. So I don't see it as her using his crush on her to her advantage, she genuinely seems to be pretty blind to it because she’s never seen herself as good enough to be liked, she’s only just accepting it with Jackson. And I also mainly blame Otis for leaving Eric. Maeve didn’t know the details of the situation, and she might have seen how Otis was dressed and thought Eric would be in danger if left alone, but she couldn’t have known that he was going somewhere dangerous. It was up to Otis to say no, and while he did say it, he definitely didn’t try hard enough to explain the importance of the situation, but just started a fight then basically used it as an excuse to himself to leave Eric and make it up to Maeve. He’s definitely at fault here. Maeve isn’t completely blameless, she should have been less selfish as Otis had ACTUAL PLANS, I guess that probably comes from her having a crush on him, Ultimately, two teenagers making shit decisions because of infatuation. I also don’t think Maeve did this for money, as she told Ruby she won’t take it, or to get on her good side. When she gave her little monologue about the names she’s been called, I took that more as being about female solidarity, she didn’t think anyone else deserved to be confronted with that kind of sexual shame. And the fact that she helped one of the people who had shamed her for so long is really quite selfless. So I found it really heartwarming at the end when at first all the girls started standing up and trying to save this one girl from ridicule, even though they didn’t know her, weren’t sure who she was etc. It’s like in that moment, they all recognised that protecting each other is more important. Then when Jackson stood up even though he’d laughed at the photo before, that was sooo sweet as well. The photo was obviously not of him, but that wasn’t the point, the point was that he recognised the importance of protecting whoever it was, and it was like he was standing with them. That’s what I love about this show, it does tackle big themes like Eric’s storyline, and the horrors queer people are faced with for being themselves, the danger they’re potentially constantly in. And like Ruby’s storyline, about women having to protect each other in a world that’s trying to shame them and turn them against each other. It’s really beautiful. (sorry the deleted comment is me, it sent before I finished writing haha)


Maeve may not have done this particular clinic for money but she did it in part for all women and in part for herself which I get but I think she should and could have done it by herself, but she knew if she played her cards right she could get Otis to help because she can usually get Otis to do whatever she wants which is what I don’t like about her. If she doesn’t know that Otis likes her as more than a friend she’s blind. If she does know then she’s taking advantage of his affection whenever she needs something. The only thing she gives back to him is her company but it’s not in a romantic way. She doesn’t owe him romance but she should stop pretending that he only wants friendship. She may be starting to like him more than a friend but she’s dating Jackson. Either way she’s playing with Otis’s emotions. She’s definitely being selfish by disregarding the fact that Otis said he had plans. Yes Otis should’ve put his foot down and it’s mostly his fault but Maeve constantly expects Otis to drop everything he’s doing in order to help her. She expected him to follow Tom right away because she sees Otis as a nerd with nothing better to do. That’s always the vibe she gives off. That he has no life and he’s sweet so he’ll do anything for her. And of course he does it. They are both to blame and it’s annoying to see right now. I look forward to a day when Otis stands up for himself. There are a lot of people like Maeve who get away with it because it’s not seen the same as outright bullying but it’s manipulation.


I guess I just see it as at this point, she's written to not know that he likes her like that/ be in denial about it because of her own insecurities. But yeah she's definitely not blameless in this situation. I don't see as her trying to manipulate him, she's always been someone who has done things on her own and not trusted others, so the times she's turned to Otis for help aka the abortion, seemed like genuine trust for their friendship rather than coming from a selfish desire to manipulate. Except this time which was again, a fumble on her part too. But both characters will grow going forward for sure!