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Streamable LINK: https://streamable.com/dvrje1

Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14KJltci-47GRqd2w5m3fx6Iuj9kvDPq8/view?usp=drivesdk



About Lizzie and MG - The show doesn't make it too clear how he has tried to get her to notice him before. This was maybe the first shown episode where he openly communicated how much he likes her. Before this, it was mostly comments and looks, but as far as Lizzie knows he was also making out with Penelope and with that human girl, at the same time as supposedly having a crush on Lizzie. So his feelings wouldn't have seemed very serious. She likely doesn't think he would be as hurt about her and Rafael.


Also, it's really sad that Jo had to say Caroline was the girl's mom. Imagine being in that position. And yes, Caroline is their mom, but not more than Jo. It wasn't like Jo left them or chose to give them for adoption, she planned to raise them and love them. The fact that she died and couldn't do that doesn't make her less their mom. I think the girls just have two moms and given the complicated situation, it's best not to compare.