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Streamable LINK: https://streamable.com/vdatns

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T7TxCJ4YbpWZ7_VsXEhXWiT4l8be7khe/view?usp=drivesdk



I wish Emily had just told Samara what was happening - she could have explained without going too deep into the whole A thing. I agree that Samara should have clarified her intentions with Emily, although you could read between the lines and see she did like her but either way she should have clarified. On the flip side I don't blame Samara for being upset although at least now she knows that one of her friends isn't really her friend. Jason did seem really creepy this episode, especially with the shed and taking those photos of Aria. It's super creepy. Hanna and Caleb are so cute together! I'm happy that he has an opportunity to meet his mother, it felt like a goodbye in this episode and I felt so bad for Hanna. Such a great reaction! I can't wait for your next one! :)