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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ar9XSgjuRr9VGtFe48925PGm9hA3YL7e/view?usp=drivesdk



I’m wondering if Roman was genuinely being nice to Kerry or there’s some sort of ulterior motive. I feel like Kerry’s storyline has to go somewhere. Why did they focus on all the pills? I think when Kendall looked at that paper again he realised his father was messing with him once again beyond the grave. That moment was when he decided to go with the ‘bad dad’ stuff as a fuck you. In episode 1 Kendall was in that same bathroom after Logan told him he wouldn’t take over from him. This time instead of going along with it, Kendall is going to force himself in.

Carla Bleiker

Go Willa. Am I the only one wondering whether that fall was more than humiliation for Shiv?? My first thought was Did she lose the baby? The doc made it sound like everything was fine now, but it sounded like they were concerned before, so maybe it's a risky pregnancy? That's where my mind went immediately, but who knows with this show, haha.


I didn’t think about the baby possibly getting hurt until later when I listened to a podcast and a woman mentioned it. I just didn’t think she fell hard enough for any real damage but we’ll see. She also doesn’t seem thrilled to be pregnant so it just didn’t click for me until later.