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Mega LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgGbaFcZJJH7u58ABAq5ovPIQx-K1F0Ph81h7OmrHx3YLvOBAVRvbbQWRGwKELlb3eLW1ht82ARi6ZN6EDU89B8dujGwf1YbtIG3eRHVR4U5u_fX3C5EDq1VJew4LylRwKUVCfx3KJ4

Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JfOXpGdezTF_1A10-WrxRo5DkPB8lYnT/view?usp=drivesdk



"So shall other tribes fear the Aztecs even more!" "No, they should not" 😂


Barbara sitting in her rightful place. As she should like the queen she is!😄 Love it! This is one of my favourite stories purely due to the debate of changing history and I really like that Barbara is the central character in this story. As a history teacher, she not only gets to flex her knowledge but also experience something she learned in her profession which is great. She evens gets the advantage in getting a mistaken authoritative role here. The moment where Barbara ignores The Doctor's warning and decides to change history for good intentions is such a memorable moment and definitely one of the highlights of the episode despite it not properly working out by the end. I always like when The Doctor and Barbara have these kind of scenes together where there's conflict like in the Edge of Destruction episode and now here.