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“Sing me a song of a lass that is gone…”

I don’t know why I never saw the similarities between Doctor Who and Outlander. Both time travelers. One calls themselves the Doctor, one is a doctor. 😱

Goodbye Jodie🥲 Hello… David Tennant?!

Mega LINK:https://mega.nz/#P!AgEa9jVcINnCwv6TSTa6HmWfeduWoSVMSFf1At5To3M3gMKaYI-dUP_UQp6E-yuhd23cWYGzwR7ZMH6hSPy46AwjxKYh_3djgu1YoYuETHx2wcxORvWbRvICfKs0yPZBjQ4MaYrxifw

Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1waimJkkj59M1MMUIxVQZmFbeBJrXD9-H/view?usp=drivesdk



Jamie from Outlander is actually based on a Doctor Who companion, Jamie McCrimmon!


This was pretty special on the whole. I don't enjoy being a negative nelly with Doctor Who. So I'll try to be brief for those parts. Best thing Chibs has done for me as a fan. More time for those Doctors who didn't get any screen time during the 50th. If you took a look back at that episode. You'd be reminded that it was another older version of one of the Doctors, that told 11 that they might find themselves revisiting some old faces again. So this is a nice tie in on a few levels. The aspect of forced regenerations that they confirmed has been done to the Doctor. I'll credit that as another possible tool that one could utilise to explain a side effect. Which has brought back an old Doctor. I didn't look into theories, so I didn't know how they were going to work David back in. This seems sound so far. It's not an old adventure without them explaining the age difference. Or the human version of him from Pete's world. (I'd have been happy with the 2nd option honestly.) This is almost the first final episode of NuWho that doesn't feature all that Doctors main companions. As Ryan wasn't featured..... (Does anyone much care 🤣) I say almost, because I then remembered that Rory wasn't in 11's farewell episode either. No mention of the timeless child explanation. The Doctor's memories stay deep in the TARDIS. Personally I would have liked an answer to the question. If the first Doctor as we knew him, was the one to steal the TARDIS and run away from Gallifrey. As established in S7 episode The Name of The Doctor. Why does Jo Martins Doctor have a TARDIS that looks like a Police phone box, Does this imply that the all the undisclosed possible endless versions, are in some way inserted into regeneration cycle before The Timelords granted 11 a new one. Which is it? Is Hartnell not the first to Travel with that mantel and iconic timeship. Or does the numbering system have to be totally thrown out the window as they have had countless lives somewhere between the timeline of the classic series. Both don't seem to be able to be true. So it will neither never be mentioned again or it's up to RTD to unpick that particular wibbley wobbly timey whimey paradox. 🤣 It's a total cop-out by Chibs and honestly shows he perhaps didn't think it through. Was told by the BBC to drop the unpopular arch. Or I'm missing something so obvious and too stupid to work it out. The thing I liked the most, was I was able to drop all that baggage and just enjoy the emotional send off for this Doctor. I just wish she hadn't been so short changed and I could have fully embraced her in the same way I have all the others. Time is a great healer. Farewell 13 or what ever your number is... Could be 1 billion for all I know now. 😆