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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yv5Z3yBx3YAVfBG7qwbmECJteJkvf5_I/view?usp=drivesdk



For me this is probably the strongest episode of this series and quite possibly of this era, so far. For me, this succeed in some very specific areas were Rosa didn't. I was already aware of a certain amount of the details surrounding the events of both episodes. But this one slightly less. Having the Thijarians be only a witness to the events rather than that ludicrously trite addition they added to Rosa, just helped the episode play out better as a whole imo. But keeping it a mystery of their true involvement for most of the episode still felt like DW. There was some really solid performances across the board. Nothing specifically memorable from Tosin. But understandably he was more sidelined for this one, as this was the time for Mandip to hold more of the spotlight. Something I felt she raised her game for. When actually given something decent to work with, it's nice to see her shine more. Graham is still that comic relief at times. But also they use him to exhibit those moments when he is the one with the age and experience to impart a touch of his wisdom as he sees it. Some nice stuff from Jodie as usual. I'll never ever be down on her as The Doctor, as she's only going to be as strong as the material she's given. Absolutely LOVED the score for this episode, the only time so far when I didn't feel like I missed Murray Gold. So big big points on that one.


I respect this episode a lot for how realistic it approaches it; the absurdity of the mob's views is baffling, but accurate to both then and even now, which makes it all the more scary to see portrayed. The aliens being 'good' is a nice twist, and the fact their involvement doesn't affect the actual events is refreshing, and a contrast to Rosa's 'evil racist' villain. I enjoy this one a lot, and was definitely an emotional viewing on the first time.


Definitely the best episode of the season for me. The history of Britain screwing up the Indian subcontinent is very frustrating. It remains horribly easy for malevolent people to stir up ordinary people into a mob, whether it's "angry men on the radio" or some demagogue with a Twitter account. :(

Mark Ward

I actually like this one quite a lot more than I did the first time I watched it. Like 'Rosa', I felt like I would have preferred it without any aliens at all - like you said, they were basically totally unnecessary - but on a rewatch I actually do like them being there, because they give this idea of a guardian watching over us when we die, which I really love. Overall, one of the strongest episodes of Season 11, definitely one of Yaz's strongest episodes and Vinay Patel has written a lovely story. I do think some of the acting is a bit dodgy again, but overall I enjoy this one quite a lot. Oh and the music score on this is BEAUTIFUL.


An okay episode. This could be considered one the better episodes but again not without its faults. I don't consider it to be an amazing episode as much as others do but it does certain things better than Rosa and on a rewatch, it is still better in comparison to most of the other episodes in the series although I just think it's just okay at best. Prem's message about hatred rings true and hits well. I liked Graham's response to that speech too. But it still has issues mainly with how we don't actually get to see the extent of history take place. I know there are budget and limits to what can be shown but it still feels somewhat empty and small scale which takes me out of the episode it a bit. Feels a bit too confined for the most part. I think it needed more tension and build up with the conflict although they did try and show it with Prem's brother having changed. I liked the scenes with their confrontation progressing during the night before the wedding scenes with the men and women spending the night together separately. I also feel like Yaz should have got a bit more focus in this episode similar to how Rose was in the Father's Day episode in Series 1. She feels somewhat sidelined in a good chunk of the episode. There's uncertainty in whether Yaz's grandmother remembers Yaz being with her but it was never clarified in the episode. Visual wise, it looks beautiful but Ryan and Graham don't really do much here (aside from Graham's words to Prem which was nice). But the lack of direction still remains to be a big noticeable issue with the Chibnall era. That scene with Prem inviting The Doctor and everyone to the wedding definitely needed another retake. Delivery felt very awkward there. "(UHH-OKAY GET IN!").