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Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uiCTTo6n1D8Z8ehS5-xB6FuJg81e_MdK/view?usp=drivesdk



Mark Ward

Each time a non-white companion has a 'historical' adventure, Doctor Who gets a little bit better at exploring the idea of them being in that period - there are a couple of later episodes that look carefully at race in historical settings too (much better than when Martha arrived in Elizabethan England and the Doctor just told her to be confident and then it was never mentioned again..!) I like the character stuff in this episode, but not really the story itself. I think it's the first time you really get to understand Bill's character and it is one of Pearl Mackie's stronger performances for sure.


I think the main thing that happened to cause the step backwards was that European merchants saw an opportunity to make a lot of money out of the existing slave trade in Africa. They could travel to West Africa with a ship laden with European goods, exchange them for slaves, ship them to the Americas, trade the slaves for American goods, then ship the American goods to Europe in a 'triangular trade'. Slavery is obviously awful whoever is doing it, but that resulted in the situation where the pretty much all the slaves in America were Black and the owners White, which is horribly unequal, and had long echoes in law and society after the abolition of slavery. Slavery was never a legally recognised state in the UK, but it was legally recognised elsewhere in the British Empire (and consequently in the United States after independence). At the time the episode was set, the UK government had recently banned slavery in the UK, but not in the rest of the Empire (that eventually happened in 1833). It was beginning to put pressure on other countries to ban the practice. British merchants were heavily involved in the Atlantic slave trade, and the economies of successful British maritime cities like Bristol and Liverpool were heavily contributed to by the trade.

Ian Smith

Some info on the Frost Fairs: Although winters were generally colder 200 years ago,the reason that the Thames was able to regularly freeze in the winter was due to the design of the old London Bridge. It had nineteen arches - which had the effect of backing up the water and creating rapids. (In fact, 'shooting the bridge' was a favourite thrill-seeking pastime; when people attempted to shoot the London Bridge rapids - many of them drowning in the attempt). The other consequence of all the backed-up water was that it was very susceptible to freezing when temperatures were low enough. Hence the frequency of winter Frost Fairs. In 1831,the bridge was demolished and replaced with a newer version upstream,which only consisted of 5 arches - not enough to have adverse effect on the flow of water; therefore,no more frozen Thames. This replacement bridge is now located in Arizona! (It was relocated there, piece by piece). I hope you made notes. I shall be testing you on this in a year or two :)


This isn't necessarily one of the best episodes but this episode does a great job of establishing The Doctor and Bill's relationship particularly when Bill witnesses a kid die in front of her and watching The Doctor do nothing. It allows for Bill to start questioning The Doctor and his morality which gives her a reality check on what to expect when travelling with The Doctor although I feel like the conflict should have lasted a bit longer. Also Bill being concerned of her safety and The Doctor punching the guy who was racist to Bill was a highlight for me too. Just like Martha in Shakespeare and Family of Blood two parter, I'm glad they didn't shy away from it. By the end, The Doctor and Bill both come to understand each other more. The mention of history being a whitewash and the focus on class was interesting too.