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Love Cami!!

Jasmine Bellucci

I love Camille, she's of my favorite character in to. Btw, may I ask you if you still hate Klaus at this point? Because I used to hated him as much as u did on tvd but I started to love him when I watched the originals. Now he's my favorite character in the whole tvdu.


I don’t hate him but I don’t love him either. My favs are Elijah, Camille and Hayley.

Jasmine Bellucci

Yeah, Elijah, Hayley and Cami are my faves characters along with him. I'm glad u don't hate him anymore.

Kyla B.

"Hi guys, still wanna kill me?? Oh you DO?? Cool Cool." LOL That's literally what the exchange was. Look. Kaleb has been my favorite version of Kol for SO LONG. Like, with the acting you still know it's Kol. But the acting, in general is just BETTER. The fact that Klaus SLOOOOWLY becomes a little less dickish around this time. And YES. Elijah and Cami DO have more chemistry than Elijah and Hayley at this point. And I KNOW I might literally be the only one in this, but next episode is one of my MANY favorites!! For so many reasons that I can't say anything about. But I can't wait!

Dorothy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-01 10:41:27 It sucks you don't like Jackson, but I get it. Maybe it's ship syndrome. Like when a bunch of people hated Camille mainly because of Klaroline (Caroline and Klaus) and saw Cami as a threat, so they hated her. Even though she's a GREAT character in my opinion, I just love having her around. Jackson, it seems, is also great, good and kind and honorable (and super hot to me😘😂) but because we all love Elijah and Elijah loves Hayley & vice versa, we want them to be together. So by default we don't like Jackson, which sucks, but I get it. Also side note, Rebekah is my all time favorite original and pretty much my favorite character in the whole TVD universe, but I don't hate Kol at all for what he did. I wish he would have directed his anger more towards Klaus, but Kol has every right to be angry. All the siblings of Klaus do. As much as I love Klaus, and I do, I feel like anything the siblings do to him is deserved. Including Fin. Aside from hurting his child of course. Which is why I never blamed Rebekah for "betraying" him lol. I mean nevermind all the evil actions he's done to her, but the way he talks to her, alone, would have been enough to take him out. But I do love their relationship so far this season. Klaus has mellowed a little. Love him regardless though ❣️ But I mean angry or not Klaus was about to just let Kol die, so maybe Kol is right for believing his family doesn't care about him🤷🏾‍♀️
2021-08-26 22:16:05 It sucks you don't like Jackson, but I get it. Maybe it's ship syndrome. Like when a bunch of people hated Camille mainly because of Klaroline (Caroline and Klaus) and saw Cami as a threat, so they hated her. Even though she's a GREAT character in my opinion, I just love having her around. Jackson, it seems, is also great, good and kind and honorable (and super hot to me😘😂) but because we all love Elijah and Elijah loves Hayley & vice versa, we want them to be together. So by default we don't like Jackson, which sucks, but I get it. Also side note, Rebekah is my all time favorite original and pretty much my favorite character in the whole TVD universe, but I don't hate Kol at all for what he did. I wish he would have directed his anger more towards Klaus, but Kol has every right to be angry. All the siblings of Klaus do. As much as I love Klaus, and I do, I feel like anything the siblings do to him is deserved. Including Fin. Aside from hurting his child of course. Which is why I never blamed Rebekah for "betraying" him lol. I mean nevermind all the evil actions he's done to her, but the way he talks to her, alone, would have been enough to take him out. But I do love their relationship so far this season. Klaus has mellowed a little. Love him regardless though ❣️ But I mean angry or not Klaus was about to just let Kol die, so maybe Kol is right for believing his family doesn't care about him🤷🏾‍♀️

It sucks you don't like Jackson, but I get it. Maybe it's ship syndrome. Like when a bunch of people hated Camille mainly because of Klaroline (Caroline and Klaus) and saw Cami as a threat, so they hated her. Even though she's a GREAT character in my opinion, I just love having her around. Jackson, it seems, is also great, good and kind and honorable (and super hot to me😘😂) but because we all love Elijah and Elijah loves Hayley & vice versa, we want them to be together. So by default we don't like Jackson, which sucks, but I get it. Also side note, Rebekah is my all time favorite original and pretty much my favorite character in the whole TVD universe, but I don't hate Kol at all for what he did. I wish he would have directed his anger more towards Klaus, but Kol has every right to be angry. All the siblings of Klaus do. As much as I love Klaus, and I do, I feel like anything the siblings do to him is deserved. Including Fin. Aside from hurting his child of course. Which is why I never blamed Rebekah for "betraying" him lol. I mean nevermind all the evil actions he's done to her, but the way he talks to her, alone, would have been enough to take him out. But I do love their relationship so far this season. Klaus has mellowed a little. Love him regardless though ❣️ But I mean angry or not Klaus was about to just let Kol die, so maybe Kol is right for believing his family doesn't care about him🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t dislike Jackson I just don’t want him with Hayley and I hate that she has to enter an arranged marriage to save her people. I also don’t like that he’s trying to be romantic with her when she has told him that she’s not in love with him. I know he’s hoping she’ll fall for him and that bothers me that he gets what he wants in some way. He may not get her heart but gets her body because they have to have a “real” marriage for the ritual to work. The situation is kind of repulsive to me. It only seems like not a big deal because he’s good looking. If he wasn’t good looking the audience would be super pissed Hayley has to marry him.


It's not letting me reply, so I have to make a whole new comment but... Yeah, I totally get that. That's normally how I would feel too. But Jackson is being honest. I think I would feel different if he was trying to deceive her in some way, but he even decided not to share the journal with Hayley that went into depth about the union and sharing of powers because he knew that she would do whatever she needed for the pack. She's the one who found it, and made the decision that the marriage was the right thing to do for the pack. I think although he is in love with her, he respects her and would never want to hurt her or force her into anything in anyway. However I do agree that he is probably hoping Hayley will one day feel something for him too. But as far as him trying to be romantic, I think with the proposal he was just trying to be traditional. He knows that this isn't ideal for her and he wanted to make it as "normal" as possible by giving her a proposal that he thinks she deserves. But don't get me wrong I prefer Hayley and Elijah. I just also like Jackson as a isolated character separate from Hayley too and think he also deserves to be happy. I think they both deserve to be with someone that they love and that loves them back fully. Oh but I agree that if they do end up having to have sex then that would be 100% repulsive, especially when we already know that Hayley doesn't love Jackson. She may feel something, but DEFINITELY not enough to sleep with him. And thats not who she wants to be with in that way. I don't remember if the show goes there but I hope not. But I don't know because low-key, I feel like TVD tiptoed on that s-assault line a few times😶