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Hold on...wait...what?🤔😂

Dropbox LINK:https://www.dropbox.com/s/wrsmwgb88g3oinn/Dr%20Who%209x12%20full.mp4?dl=0

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TrExb6KHqp0U7RjUEjqdNZXNz1P1kA09/view?usp=drivesdk



Henry from CO

Please note that this two part finale, as it was last series and will be again in series 10, were directed by the wonderful Rachel Talalay. A veteran of TV and film, I first heard of her as she directed the 90's film Tank Girl. She's also directed TV episodes of Supernatural, Sherlock, The Flash, Supergirl, and the new Superman and Lois to name a few. You can really sense her style of direction especially in series 9 as she has such a great rapport with Capaldi. Here's a very quick clip about her and this finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixsXM9tmVKU

Henry from CO

Thank you Brandon for dropping the finale trilogy reactions. It was unexpected but very much appreciated.


Yeah the sci-fi plotting gets a bit confusing near the end, but I do quite like the character drama. This script really moves with the character drama rather than the plot, but the more I revisit this one, the more I love it. One of Steven Moffat's favorite scenes of this episode is Clara reacting to the Doctor's 4 billion years in the Confession Dial. Clara is absolutely horrified, which is contrasted with what the Doctor thinks she would react, which is in the previous episode, where his idea of her says "Get up off your arse and win." It's horrifying the lengths he would go to for her.


This episode is so controversial. A lot of people really hate it. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I love the scenes between the Doctor and Clara. Especially in the end where Clara is talking to the Doctor who doesn’t remember. But the episode makes me question why he hasn’t done this for other companions. Were they not special enough for him? Why is Clara made to seem so much more important than them? Rewatching this has helped me understand it a bit though. The dynamic between the Doctor and Clara isn’t healthy. The hybrid theory by Ashildr is one I like. The hybrid could simply be two people who are bad for each other and take each other to the extreme. It’s more that they’re relationship is different rather than the Clara as a companion. But I am super disappointed that they wasted Galiffrey as a plot point. The Doctor has been looking for it for so long and we don’t get to explore. That just sucks.

Sufyaan Kazi

Love that scene, and your so right, I never really clicked on the contrast between their respective perspectives

Mark Ward

I can't decide my feelings about this one either. I enjoy it more than Heaven Sent, but it just seems a bit messy. I like the switch up of him forgetting her at the end to contrast with Donna's departure.


Just a heads up, there are 2 christmas episodes between this episode and the start of series 10. Some listings dont show it for some reason. The first is called "the husbands of ... " and the 2nd is called "the return of doctor mysterio". Doctor Who went a year without airing but they still decided to do a christmas ep.


Yep, good thinking to mention it to Brandon!


Oh yeah I saw those next on the list. Dr Who didn’t air for a year?!!! Crazy! I was wondering why they were labeled Christmas special 2015 and then Christmas special 2016.


The last episode of series 12 ended on the 1st of march 2020.. they had 1 episode in january of this year and we only just got a teaser for series 13.. yeah the waits are rough 😅