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I personally love Ian and Mickey because of their progression. The way Mickey opened up and came out to his violent and abusive father because losing Ian was a bigger fear. And how he became a caring and kind of soft person when Ian got diagnosed. He really tried to take care of him. I just like Mickey's character development. I also like how Ian basically helped Mickey to become the 'real version' of himself. What I like about them, I think, is that they had to overcome a lot of things (the whole svetlana situation, Ian being bipolar and stealing the baby, etc), and in the end their love was stronger than all of those things. I guess that is why I like them. I also think both actors are really good and have good chemistry when they have scenes together. I do understand why some people don't like them together, and of course I respect that opinion! Oh then something else! there is something I never understood about this show. Why didn't the Gallaghers all go to jail? Cause they did the exact same thing as Mickey did. They threw Frank off a bridge and then just left him there. That's also attempted murder. It even was in public, and yet nothing happened.


I agree. I completely understand that some people don't like them together but I can't help being drawn to them. Both because of their chemistry and because of everything they've overcome despite their upbringings - especially Mickey. Also, I think it's realistic that he doesn't always make great choices (like with Sammie) because he was taught his entire upbringing to solve his problems with crime and violence. Not to mention the abuse within the Milkovich house. I think it's a miracle that he grew up like that and only has a few of those behaviours left to unlearn when the alternative could've been Mickey turning into Terry.

Traci Dargan

*I don't think Mickey tried to kill Sammy... he just tried to knock her out and torture her (granted that is still bad lol but it's not murder) * I think the reason I like Gallavich is because it's a tragic romance story that has a lot of passion. It's especially interesting how two people from the same economic and social background have different experiences with homosexuality. Ian's accepted by his entire family, and Mickey feared his father and oddly the rest of his town when he didn't really have to and didn't realize that until he came out. Also how it seemed at first like Mickey didn't really like him and just like to have sex with him, and then he'd get jealous... and then he'd take care of him when he was first dealing with being bipolar, and I was like "Oh he actually...cares?" Everything about there relationship and how they go about communicating is so FRUSTRATING and that's what makes it so entertaining!!! 😂 😂 😂 And I would agree with you that Ian comes off to me as the most reasonable, and truly capable of living a middle or upper class life, he's always fit in with those people so well in my opinion. But in that way I also think Mickey brings excitement to his sweet and comforting personality, and in return Ian brings stability and confort to Mickeys. They balance each other out. Overall, it's the growth that stands out from other tv relationships. I think that's also just a shameless thing, being able to see them grow and change over the course of eleven years. Like Carl's character development, it's so DRASTIC from the sociopath we met in the first season and we realized he had a heart 😂 that's the same thing with Mickey I think. I think all the characters, relationships particularly, go through this thing of do they want stability or passion... and is having both possible? That being said, can't wait till you see what happens these last few seasons, it's going to be a wild ride! And that goes for all the characters!

lucy bitch

I agree with you on the ian and mickey part at the end, alot of ian and mickey fans make the shameless fandom unbearable alot of the time, constantly attacking people who dont like ian and mickey as much as they do. I know that the actor who plays ian has had to block alot of ian and mickey fans since they harrass him or his partner. i dont mind them as a couple but i really dont get the obsession some people have with them.


Great reaction, I feel the same way as you about a lot of things, but there is something you said that didn't make sense to me so I'm going to talk about that. I personally don't remember Mickey bringing chaos or destruction or badness into their relationship. In the first few seasons, he was simply closeted (for good freakin' reason) until in season 4 when Ian basically pushed him to come out (even though it was huge moment for Mickey, I didn't like how Ian pushed him but I won't hold it against him because I know he was having a manic episode and his emotions were all over the place and he wasn't thinking clearly). The worst Mickey had done in the early seasons was to beat Ian up after what happened with Terry (I won't even get into that). Ian did provoke him while they were both vulnerable, but I agree that physical violence will never be acceptable and he should be held accountable for that. And then of course there was the whole Sammy thing in season 5, which was... a realistic and in-character thing for him to do. Hell, Mandy did it a few seasons back lol but for worse reasons. That's the environment they grew up in, maiming someone was always a viable option, but I don't have a problem with it. Regardless of the fact that I disliked Sammy's character, that really didn't bother me. Like, I knew he was capable of that. It wasn't a shock. And on this topic, I agree with another commenter that why aren't the other Gallaghers in prison?? Debby was an accomplice to Sammy's attempted murder but no one even questioned her (I'm assuming Mickey just didn't tell anyone about her involvement but didn't Sammy know she was there anyway?? whatever), and then there was the end of season 6 when the whole family threw Frank into the river (what if he had died?? lol). Oh, and not to mention Sean who has actually killed someone, but you were much more sympathetic towards him for some reason? So yeah, besides all this stuff, Mickey has done his best to overcome the difficulties in his life, especially in seasons 4 and 5. He came such a long way. He was there for Ian and cared for him. Hell, he was even ready to get settled down with him. If anything, Ian has been the one bringing chaos in their relationship since season 4 (I'm not condemning him for it don't get me wrong, not at all, I'm just pointing it out). So yeah, basically I don't really understand where you were coming from with that statement. I agree that Ian going with him to freakin' Mexico is a very very dumb decision, but like... it's his decision? Mickey is not forcing him to do anything. And not to mention, it's so entertaining. I completely understand Ian going with him. You can't erase a history like the one they have, even though so many painful things have (unfortunately) happened to them. That's exactly why people are invested in their characters. They want to see them overcome these things and find some semblance of happiness (with or without each other).

Casandra Johnson

Mr. Brandon.. Mr. Brandon, We can finally agree to disagree😂😂. First👉🏾sidenote.. Loving all the commenters perspective... Now😊.. This is a show of attics.. No matter the addiction.. And under all the chaos.. Mickey is addicted to LOVE NOW.. Once he was showed what it really was. NO ONE has ever loved him.. Mother/Father/Sister/THE WORLD.. has loved him like Ian.. And he's not giving it up. Sad and tragic.. But most definitely relatable... This is a show of attics.. A show of IMPERFECT ENERGIES❗While although I'm not an obsessed Ian and Mickey fan, I am an Ian and Mickey fan. While I don't agree with all Mickey's actions, looking at SHAMELESS from the pilot episode, I don't agree with damn near all the characters at one point or another, bit it seems that Mickey has gotten a bad rep from the start. Not excusing any of his actions, but I still root for him.. Just as I still root for Fiona, after she not only almost killed Liam.. Whether purposely or not, and never forget, she fu**ed a good man's clearly chaos junkied brother... 3 times. And we can go down the list with each character. I consider myself an intellectual thinker, like yourself, that's why I love your analysis after each show. It's like a third party analysis instead of a fan analysis. So here's my opinion. We have seen the PATRIARCH of the Milcovich family, and I'm sure more will be revealed before all is said and done. He terrorized and beat his kids all their lives... He gets drunk and rapes his daughter.. He was the definition of CHAOS.. Growing up in violence, drugs, guns etc.. That household had to be horrible. And him and Mandy survived.. Notables fu**ed up, but survived. I don't blame him for the person his "Parent" "made" him become. And now here comes Ian.. Another messed up teenager carrying alot of baggage and a story of his own. Ian showed Mickey something he had NEVER EXPERIENCED.. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.. Even with his baggage.. Everyone else ran from Mickey whereas Ian ran to him. And once Mickey saw that even his toxic and self sabotaging behavior didn't push ian away, and starting to understand and feel REAL LOVE.. Not Milchovich love.. He latched on. And he's determined not to lose it... By any means necessary. Crazy at times.. But necessary in his development as a person... And I will never be an advocate for his violent behavior, I put in perspective where he learned to love from. Yes, he has problems. But everytime he went to jail was in regards to Ian... He went to jail when Kash shot him.. Behind IAN, because he had been stealing out the store. Then scared that Frank would tell when he caught them.. I keep in mind he was a teenager and confused about alot of suppressed whether by him or his father.. Feelings for this red head young man.. That's a scary time in any "normal" teenagers life. And then Sammie... No I don't agree.. But Sammie tried to take that same "LOVE" away from him.. Not agreeing, but that was his definition of love being as how he was raised.. You revenge someone that has wronged you or your loved one. If it could be that easy to be " unconditioned".. We would have no racism.. Unconditioning takes time. Life consists of obstacles, and he has to learn, he's still young, but he has come a long way. And plus I always root for the underdog, which he has clearly always been in this series. Ian TRULY loved the raw, unapologetic asshole, and once Mickey fully understood that.. There was no turning back❗On the opposite spectrum.. Ian is Mickey's MONICA.. AND VICE VERSA.. They both face many hurdles, but they have grown, helped, and took care of each other. It's not perfect.. But then again what is who is?🤷🏾. And even through all the choas, they are the most consistent love story on the show. Because at the end of the day, that's what it is... A LOVE STORY❤.. I believe the moment Mickey realizes he can get more love laying on the side of him rather than in a jail cell thinking about him.. He'll change some actions in pursuit of that.. Take away the chaos and the toxic behavior.. And who wouldn't want to LOVED by "A" Mickey Milcovich type.. RAW... REAL... AND UNAPOLOGETIC❗❗❗❗❤.. Have a great day😊


I’ll have to just agree to disagree with most of you. It all comes down to who you personally like I guess. Mickey is just as bad as Mandy or Karen or Sammie and yet many don’t like those women and condemn them while giving Mickey a pass. But it’s a show and we like who we like so we don’t need to convince each other. Thanks for watching😁


The thing is you can’t take away the chaos and toxic behavior of Mickey. That’s comes with him until he wants to change. He hasn’t changed enough for me as a viewer. It’s tragic how he was brought up and his upbringing means he has a lot of problems, but that doesn’t mean he needs to work those problems out with Ian. I think he should work out his problems on his own and then get with Ian, but of course that wouldn’t make for good tv.


You’re right it is Ian’s decision to leave with Mickey and Mickey isn’t physically forcing him to go, but he does have an emotional influence on Ian that is making him make bad decisions and that’s what I don’t like for Ian. Yes it’s entertaining and yes it’s a tv show, but I personally don’t like Mickey for Ian. As for Mickey bringing chaos and destruction into Ian’s life, you listed many things that prove that, it’s just the difference between you and I is they don’t bother you🤷🏽‍♂️ Mickey was abusive from the start. I also don’t think it’s fair to say Ian provoked the physical abuse. Ian only became violent and abusive as well later because he was dating someone violent and abusive. Mickey punched Ian several times just because he couldn’t admit being gay. Be closeted all you want but punching the boy who is trying to love you?Just because it was “normal” in their neighborhood or Mickey’s family doesn’t mean I want that for Ian. Yes, Mickey came from an abusive household which is why he was abusive which is why I don’t like him for Ian. Mickey has also basically admitted to being a Nazi. Of course it’s Ian’s decision but I’m just giving my opinion. But everyone is different. I’m not bothered by Frank being thrown over the bridge because I didn’t think he was going to die. There was a very good chance Sammie was going to die especially being left in that moving crate with no air after being drugged. Also I was sympathetic to Sean because he actually felt remorse. That makes a difference for me. It may not for other people. Mickey has no remorse for many of the bad things he does. It basically all comes down to who we like and what we value. I can’t relate to Mickey at all and that’s ok because I still have a long way to go with the show.

Casandra Johnson

True, you can't take away the chaos and toxic behavoir, and yes until he's ready to change it is him.. But at least we as viewers know where it's cemented from... In life, I'm sure we have all have encountered a mickey milcovich, whether gay or straight.. Relationship wise or just a spirit in passing.. And have always thought to ourselves.. Why do they act like that?😂😂😂.. We see the entity that created that blueprint.. But I'm with you.. I'm going to continue on this ride with you... Can't wait for the next one❤

Traci Dargan

so truuu! I would consider myself just a shameless fan and I think I enjoyed Fionas relationships just as much as I did Ians. But Gallavich Stans take the relationship so seriously, and get offended when you call it toxic. And tbh I wouldn't even have minded if the relationship ended when it was initially supposed too 👀 until Gallavich Stans bullied the producers into putting it back in.

Kyla B.

I will leave the Mickey comments to those who actually LIKE Mickey. lol Your points about Svetlana though! Remember when she was explaining to Debbie how to be a Kept Woman?? She was literally telling us what she was doing with Kev and V. She was laying it all out there and we looked passed it because we were blinded too! You're right though! Svet really IS a competent Frank. Frank you can see coming from a mile away. Svetlana worms her way in, and they let her because why would you suspect her of being a con artist?


Hello! I commented on this reaction like 10 hours ago and I just want to say that in no way it was my intention to make you change your mind about Mickey or anything like that, so if it felt that way for you -- my apologies! I just wanted to explain why I like them since you talked about how you don't understand the hype about them. It is totally fine to have our own opinions about shows and characters, that is exactly what makes watching shows so interesting! Anyways -- I was thinking about the show today and this doesn't necessarily have anything to do with this episode in particular, more with the show in general I think. There is this one scene in season 1 where Ian and Lip are taking a DNA test and they are talking about who is gonna get the alcoholic gene from Frank and who is gonna get Monica's genes. Now that I saw Lip like this in this episode, it suddenly made me think of that scene and made me realize that the foreshadowing in season 1 is so sad, because they were basically predicting their own futures :(


Hey Anne! No need to apologize. We’re just discussing and expressing opinions so all is good👍🏽 I was just trying to understand why people like certain characters but I realize that I don’t need to understand. We all just like who we like and that’s ok. Thanks for watching and for your comments!😄

Micah Spiese

OK, first off, let's name all the good decisions these people have made over the course of the series compared to the bad ones. That scale would flip the F over by ep 3 of the first season. Second, of course he was gonna go with Mickey. Yes, I'm biased for the guy but at this point, they needed to close out his story so Ian could either live happily ever after with him or move past him (not spoiling). Esp comparing him to Trevor, this ep did not do Trevor any favors in the passion dept. Showing him dedicated to his kids, Ian felt the raw passion with Mickey and went with that, and next couple eps, has to deal with the fallout from that. And then he moves on to season 8... Yeesh. As for all the Mickey hate, he's not a nice guy. It's easy to see that. However, he's an interesting character with a lot more growth than most of the folks on the show so of course the fans want him back. As opposed to the dumpster fire of Deb's life (don't hold your breath for that to improve anytime soon) or Lip squandering another opportunity? (altho this ep is the start of the turn around for him) And basic ass me wants to see these characters I actually like slam down. it's why I like watching Fiona bang random hot dudes. I'm a Gallavich lover, as well as a (Supernatural ship that involves a character introduced soon on your watching so not spoiling it) or whatever the hell the Adam and Eric ship is from Sex Education (another show I'd recommend reacting to just for Gillian Anderson). And I endorse this message.

Timothy Wiley

My rational side agrees that it is not in Ian's best interest to run away with an escaped convict, no matter how much you love them, but it doesnt agree with the whole "Mickey is toxic for Ian" because we saw how much Mickey has adapted to Ian's needs to be the best lover over the first 5 seasons, he damn near was the person who paid the most attention to his needs in s5, once he saw how bad it gets. But i agree that this circumstance isnt the best way for Mickey to come back into his life, but the love and passion that they have makes you do illogical, irrational things, and he knows that the chances of him finding that love with anybody else is slim to nil, CERTAINLY not with Trevor.


Not sure what happened to my comment after just posting it, but I’ll just type it back out with additional commentary on other characters I’ve liked about in this ep/season. A big theme I feel in this episode and season is that all these characters have constantly fallen back into old habits. But now, they’re all at a crossroads in their journey to self-improvement. I’ll start with Ian since obviously everyone’s talking about him in this ep. Initially what drew me to Ian in the earlier seasons was that I could relate to him in many ways since I also am gay, am diagnosed with a mental disorder, and had some questionable relationships with older men when I was growing up still trying to figure out my sexuality (looking back I cringe for not seeing certain signs). I definitely can see how you see Ian as the sensible one in the family, especially in the earlier seasons. Even in this season, I still find him to be somewhat sensible; however, like all the other characters in this show, he definitely has some flaws and certain vices that he can’t seem to break out of (relating back to the whole Ouroboros idea, the snake eating its own tail). To me, Ian has always been seeking some kind of approval or validation from others, and I feel like that affects a lot of his relationships with his family and SO’s. In the earlier seasons, we learn that Ian is the middle child, and most of his storylines took place outside of the Gallagher family, which I always interpreted as him just doing his own thing or him just kind of being overlooked. I also feel like his highly ambitious personality was influenced by how people either went to Fiona whenever they needed help or went to Lip for advice. To me, it seemed like Ian had all these goals—having ROTC training and wanting to go to West Point—as a way to prove not just to others but to himself that he is just as helpful as Fiona or smart as Lip (even though he doesn’t need to, but from his perspective, this is how he feels and is probably one of the big struggles that his character will have to go through and grow from: finding approval/validation in himself). We can kind of see how this gets reflected in his relationships with other men. In the 1st season, Ian was caught up with his boss because his boss was giving him that approval that he wanted and also giving him gifts (This is NOT to say that it’s Ian’s fault at all; he was just a kid after all. Sadly, older folks will exploit the insecurities of teens in order to benefit themselves which is just disgusting, grooming behavior). We also see Ian move onto Ned who uses his wealth to also gift Ian with academic/financial help (again this is exploitative, predatory behavior). We then see Ian move onto Caleb and Trevor who both seem like a good fit since they both got their own jobs, place, and are both around Ian’s age, but again Ian falls back into old patterns: he wants to approval/validation of others. To Ian, seeing someone who is a firefighter or a community organizer who helps LGBT+ youths in the community is what Ian had always aspired to be: someone to rely on and is helpful. And finally we arrive to this episode with Mickey. Out of all the other people Ian’s been with, Mickey has been the only one so far who has not only given Ian that approval/validation he seeks, but has also shown that he’d be there for him through his roughest patches like in S4. That’s not to say that they are an ideal couple, if anything, no one shoulder aspire to be like them lool, but in the narrative of this show, I feel like it kind of makes sense why Ian was ready to drop everything to run off with Mickey to Mexico. Even after breaking out of prison, the first thing Mickey did was go see Ian before running off as a fugitive. I also want to point out an interesting contrast. In this episode, we constantly see Mickey calling Ian on that phone, but we rarely see Trevor calling him. We also see how Ian looks somewhat crestfallen when he was about to tell Trevor about his day, but then he decides to pick up a call and leaves. Again, I think this stark difference shows how Ian is easily swayed from his needs for approval/validation despite him being overall sensible. Overall, I feel like most people are drawn to Ian and Mickey, myself guiltily included, because of that push-pull factor they have even though they don’t have the healthiest of relationships. They both play into that “will they, won’t they” trope a lot of TV couples have; they obviously are interested in each other, but there’s always something that keeps them apart. Aside from Ian and Mickey, I love this episode and overall this season because I feel like many of the characters are finally confronting the walls they put up for themselves. Again, this goes back to the Ouroboros idea, but this season takes that image and pushes these characters to a crossroads of whether they continue eating their own tail, or will they break that cycle. Fiona is going on an upwards trajectory. She’s doing an amazing job taking care of herself, but we also see how she’s still seen as the de facto mom by the rest of the family. She’s at a crossroads of self-improvement: will she continue doing her own thing, or will she go back to becoming their de facto mom and cleaning up everybody’s messes. Lip obviously has fallen back on really difficult times and I empathize so much with him. My heart broke for him this episode, but I’m glad that had that one scene of him where he has that one last drink before going in for an AA meeting. Again, this brings back that crossroad imagery, will Lip be able to find better coping mechanisms and get the help he needs, or will he fall back on his old drinking habits. We saw Debbie in the earlier parts of this season as a struggling teen mom still relying on others. We saw her try to scam money in, get into a physical fight, and overall having a difficult time adjusting to the new realities of being a parent. I’m glad that she was able to find a job at Fiona’s laundromat, and I’m glad that she’s slowly becoming more responsible. Of course, there’s still that whole Neil relationship which we have to question whether or not it’s authentic, but again Debbie is at a crossroads: will she finally become responsible for herself, or will she end up back to relying on others. Even though Carl’s not in this, he’s also at that crossroads of self-improvement: will he revert back to his violent tendencies, or will he come back from military school and a more respectful man.


Agreed with everything you have said, especially about Ian and Mickey’s relationship. It is no the healthiest relationship but so is every other relationship in this show, heck, even most of the characters outside of their relationships do questionable or toxic things.