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Intersting you bring up the robot from Deep Breath. If you remember back to that episode, just before the robot died he said "self destruction is against my basic programing" and the doctor said "murder is against mine".. and one of them was lying. Back with the same type of robots from girl in the fireplace, the robots shut themselves down because the link to their ship was broken and they couldnt get home, so yes, the doctor didnt kill him. Love that the last shot of this episode is an old doctor with a dalek gun and a young davros with the sonic walking hand in hand. The doctor also knew what davros was doing with the manipulation; thats how he escaped. "I knew what you were doing and i let you do it" "2 words.... moron... sewers". About the glasses and new outfit; Capaldi and Moffat wanted a look for the doctor that was easy for kids to dress up as without spending a lot of money.. now you just need a tshirt, a hoodie and some cheap sunglasses 😂 a lot of people complained the doctor from season 8 was way too abrasive and rude so Moffat did his best to soften him up a bit.. hugs, jokes ect. This season is SO good imo; a lot of difficult and interesting topics. Great review and reaction

Lloyd B

Davros had been trying to trick the Doctor into grabbing tge cables all along. The stuff about him going able to kill tbe Daleks by touching the cables was a lie - it would always have done the opposite and drained the Doctor's energy to feed into the Daleks. And the Doctor worked that out and played along to bring up tge decaying Daleks from the sewers. As for the Doctor killing or not killing, his "power" is that he uses his enemies' strength against them - in this case the Daleks in tbe sewers. I do however feel that Davros was genuine in his emotion when congratulating the Doctor for saving Gallifrey - but he also used that to try to manipulate him. 12 is definitely mellower and more approachable this season. I feel he has learnt from his mistakes last season, and that Clara has softened him somewhat. Personally I don't mind the sonic sunglasses, and am okay with putting away the screwdriver for a bit, as it is often overused. The sonic screwdriver was never used to the same extent in Classic Who (some Doctors didn't use it at all), and it's become a bit too ubiquitous and all powerful in New Who at times. Anyway, great opening story for series 9, which is one of the best and most consistent series of the show in my opinion. And if you continue to post both episodes of 2 parters together like this, then you're going to fly through this series 😀!


This second part I like a lot more and generally gives me good feelings about the two-parter. The story does a bit to soften up the Twelfth Doctor a bit and characterize Davros in a way that I've always hoped they would. I like Missy in this episode and Michelle Gomez definitely nails it. I also like the Sonic Sunglasses lol. They're silly and fun.


Part of what I like about this story though is that the Doctor and Davros both believe they're talking about the same thing when actually they're talking about the opposite thing. Davros says the Doctor is weak and the Doctor intreprets that to mean "he was unable to save young Davros" while from Davros's perspective, the Doctor saved him. Davros believes the Doctor's compassion is the weakness and their different ideas of what weakness is causes a bit of a miscommunication about each other's values.