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I think Klaus meant it was a betrayal to Elijah because he fled along with his siblings so he had to abandon the city he loved

golam rabbi

It was a betrayal to Elijah because New Orleans was the only place that the original family was happy! They built a home there! Also Elijah always stand with klaus so their father was after him too!


And maybe because Mikeal would’ve taken down whoever was defending Klaus and Elijah is one of those people.

Kyla B.

This was a great episode despite how much talking happened. But we all know why there was so much talking. Because Klaus is ALL bark. He never intended to kill Rebekah. His plan was literally to intimidate and berate her until she confessed what he wanted to hear. And then when she finally says it, he’s surprised. Like, sir! You were in her face. I’d admit to wanting you dead to get you to shut up. But, at the end with Elijah. What I think all that was with exiling Marcel was that after seeing how insane Klaus had gotten, to the point of wanting to kill Rebekah. It was Elijah coming to terms with having to fight that much harder for Klaus’ redemption. Which is ridiculous. Because until Klaus can come to terms with the master he’s become, and actually live with what that means, he’ll never see redemption. He’ll never learn from his mistakes because he doesn’t believe he’s wrong.


It’s kind of scary how much Mikael sounded like Klaus at 12:32 😶


Klaus is so dramatic 😂😂😂😂

Jay Stone

You keep taking up for Rebekah. Who is foolishly gullible.


Gullible is better than murderous and controlling like Klaus in my book😁 Gullible leaves room for growth

Abhi Subedi

I can see how you don't take Klaus' side and rightfully so, but that destroyed Elijah's happiness as well. Rebekah ruined that for Elijah who never treated her cruelly. She's stupid, and continues to make the same mistakes like Klaus does.


The difference between Rebekah and Klaus is that Rebekah is trying to rebel against her abuser. She is desperate and feels trapped and that means her decisions may not be thought out. Klaus doesn’t rebel against his abuser, he runs from him. Instead he abuses others to make himself feel better. Rebekah is acting out of desperation because she doesn’t know what else to do and so her decisions may hurt others like Elijah unintentionally. Klaus deliberately inflicts pain on others.