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golam rabbi

Next episode is so good!

Jasmine Bellucci

I'm so excited for you to get into the next episode. At this point of the series I started to feel really bad for Klaus, I hate Mikael for being such an asshole even tho he would be an amazing villain. I relate so much with Klaus, we both had abusive parents and we both turned out to be angry and broken, the only difference is that I forgave my mom and never killed anyone ofc. Anyway I love your hate towards him, it is so entarteining! Great reaction as always.


This was a great episode, can’t wait for the rest! As much as I love Camille her saying that she sees the good in Klaus felt out of place given her energy towards him recently? Maybe I missed a conversation idk.


Mikael puts less effort into killing Klaus and more into tormenting him. No wonder Klaus is angry 24/7 this guy is evil af.


Well the fact that he hasn't killed her yet is probably good enough for her 😄


I love Elijah so much. He is so freaking loyal! That line he said to Michael "I will ALWAYS choose him {Klaus}" wow :)