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Katherine gets on my nerves and the ripper vampire mad the veins under damon eye bigger longer than how I usually is

Connie Kay

Whoever does the makeup and effects on this show is the absolute best. Damon looked scary af in that last scene. Hot as hell too but that is another story.


Ian and Paul enjoy to play "bad" characters so much 😂 Paul used to say how he loved playing the ripper, and Ian have said he missed playing "bad" Damon. They do an amazing job with these bad roles. I do disagree with you about Damon 's good qualities being not real. Damon was a good person back in the days, even after becoming a vampire he was still a good person. I think turning his emotions off in the 50s really screwed him up. He was walking with his humanity off for half century. After that he was never the same. And all these good qualities that Damon has gained back were in him. His relationship with Rose and his grief was real, his love for Elena was real, his love for brother was real, his guilt towards Stefan after he became a ripper was real, his sadness after Andy's death was real, his friendship with Alaris was real, his friendship with Liz was real, his grief after Alaric's death was real. Everything was real, he didn't fake it or anything. Im not here to defend Damon's actions this season, but I'm here to defend Stefan's opinion about Damon's redemtion and his better qualities that Damon keeps pushing back, because being bad is easier. That's Damon's greated weakness, it's not that he is an evil bad person who doesn't have hope to become better, it's that he is to afraid to become a descent person, he is a coward when it comes to emotions, but it doesn't mean he can't be changed.


Stefan had Lexi to hep him recover and to stay a good person. Lexi was a perfect person to help Stefan. Damon didn't have anybody who would be able to help him the way he needed, because Damon is defenetly different from Stefan. Who knows what would happend with Stefan if he didn't have Lexi....

Andrea Dcosta

This was such a fun reaction. Nina Dobrev is amazing she was so funny this episode. Katherine acting as Elena specially her blowing air into Jeremy’s mouth was so funny the faces she was making 🤣🤣


Badass Damon


We’ll have to agree to disagree. Damon has had plenty of people who want to help but you have to want help and want to be good. He doesn’t want help and doesn’t want to be good. Yes Stefan had help from Lexi but he also didn’t want to hurt people. He had an addiction/eating disorder that was beyond his control. Damon enjoys inflicting pain and has said so several times. Both brothers have problems but the person who wants to change has more of a chance than the one who doesn’t want to change. Of course Damon has good qualities as everyone does but they don’t cancel out his bad ones IMO because he constantly chooses to be bad every time he doesn’t get his way. Where as Stefan has bad qualities as well but he constantly chooses to do good, wants to be good and not just for Elena.


This ep is actually really entertaining bc Damon and Enzo are wreaking havoc, and normally it would be concerning, except that Katherine is in Elena’s body so she’s just like “yeah I don’t really care” LOL. Obviously the situation is morally wrong, but I can’t help but find the whole thing hilarious. And entertainment is supposed to be fun; it’s not supposed to be that deep. Nina Dobrev really did a great job making it seem like Katherine has actually taken over Elena’s body. It’s like the entire time I can tell something is off about Elena, but it’s also not completely Katherine. I also 100% agree that everything Katherine said about Damon and Elena is true!! Like she’s literally speaking facts, it’s not like she’s making things up. I do like seeing Damon and Enzo tag team. Like you said, Enzo is an interesting villain especially bc he’s developed a high tolerance to torture.


LMAO Katherine is hilarious


I’ll have to disagree with you that entertainment is only meant to be fun and not deep. The best shows IMO are deep. This show has many deeper themes and messages going on even in this episode, but it just also happens to be very entertaining as well.

Connie Kay

I wanna punch her in the face. Stefan gave her every opportunity to go out with dignity and she chose this option. She is definitely a good villain I suppose.


And to the person that said Stefan had Lexi and Damon had no one , but in season 4 episode 17 Stefan sent Lexi to help him and he didn't want it and the only reason he killed Lexi was because she was there for him and he didn't want it , Stefan tried to be there Alaric tried and Elena tried , plus we can't forget about how toxic that relationship is everytime Elena rejects him he freaks out now if a girl got that much control over you then something is not right

Connie Kay

He had his emotions turned off when Stefan sent Lexi. Stefan didn’t want help with emotions off either. Damon needed Stefan to come. He was the only one Damon cared enough about that could have made him turn it back on at that time. He had them off from the 50s til he came back to Mystic Falls. How many years? That has to do something to you. Look how hard it was for Elena and hers was just off a few weeks...Stefan after his was off a month or so....and yes something is not right.


I just stated my opinion because everyone isn’t gonna liked a certain character and he is watching the show so if he doesn’t care for Damon then that’s his choice but I agree with everything he said this episode that’s why I commented but let him watch the show and have his opinion me and you have watched it so let him watch it in peace

Connie Kay

Yah but you should come at it with facts and actual knowledge of what happened and you did not. Opinions are one thing but you were basing them on things that were not true. You are right he certainly can have a different opinion as can you. God knows I gave up trying to argue sense into my Trump loving brainwashed family. I know people see things differently just do me a favor and base those opinions on actual facts tho.


I’m not a died hard fan so I’m not gonna get everything right like some people, you remember years and stuff I don’t remember things about Damon because I don’t like him but I remember stuff about Bonnie because I like her , you like Damon so you will remember everything about him , you get mad because someone doesn’t like Damon so you are gonna fight for Damon I like Stefan but I don’t remember every fact about him because it’s a show and it’s been a couple years since the show has ended and you just brought up a personal issue and we are talking about a vampire show , I’m done talking

Connie Kay

I like every character on the show (with exception of Tyler and Katherine) I know things about all of them. I certainly wouldnt judge them on things that actually did not happen. I love Stefan...and the actor that plays him is hilarious irl. It is his fans that annoy me sometimes.