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This is why I can never like Damon. As soon as something doesn't go his way, it's right back to that awful person. It's immature and childish. He takes 1 step forward then 10 steps back.


I just want season 5 to be over already. For me this season is the lowest point of TVD. Some people will disagree, but in terms of characters writing and the plot this one is defenetly the worst for me.

Ramel Thompson

Don’t write Damon off just yet trust me by the end of the season you’re gonna regret what you said.


I love Damon, but this time he is responsible for his actions. I won't blame anyone right now for disliking him or his behavior. That's why I hate this season as well, Damon made a huge progress in season 3 and 4, Damon from season 5 acts like Damon from season 1 and 2. The writers just threw away his development.


And here's where the Damon stans say "Don't judge him too harshly. You'll see he changes." But at the end of the day, he is responsible for his actions. He is not a good person.


As someone who has watched the show about 6 times, I know exactly what I said. Just because you like Damon doesn't mean I have to.

Connie Kay

No, there is no part of Stefan that liked what happened at all. He loves Damon more than anyone....and knows what that just did to him. He was obviously starting to notice how different things were at this point. He told him “she is the best thing that has ever happened to you.” So, if you think Stefan would enjoy watching Damon get heartbroken then you don’t know him at all. Now, Damon is being a damned idiot right now. No defense. Enzo is not helping the matter. I hate this part of the show.


This is by far one of the episodes I like least ! I hate this Elena/Katherine shit ! I don't know why people are trying to make you like Damon or so ... I think it is totally normal that people don't like every character. And for the most characters people don't try to convince people to like them. I never heard anyone trying to convince people to like Matt if they don't like him for example ! No Damon could not kill him because of Elena, but because he has his revenge thing going on and only wanted to kill him when he had kids ... And with the switch, once it is switched they don't normally turn it right back on so not really a dimmer switch there atm.


Damon is a complex character. You have to view him through a sociological and psychological perspective in order to understand him, which is why he's my favorite character. He was labeled "not good enough" as a human and a "monster" as a vampire. He internalizes both labels so he behaves accordingly. But if you want to say he's not a good person, fine, he's never claimed to be one however, no vampire on this show is a good person. It doesn't matter if they're not killing at the moment, they've all killed and none of them can guarantee that they won't ever kill again as it's well within their nature to do so.


A lot happened in this episode. Caroline and Tyler- I've seen many people being annoyed by Tyler's reaction, thinking that he shouldn't have been this mad at Caroline, but I never agreed with that. Of course he should be mad, he has a lot of valuable reasons to be. Just because him and Caroline aren't a couple anymore, doesn't mean they are suddenly nothing to each other. Because before they were together, they were very good friends, they supported each other. This can't all be scratched just because they had a break up scene. Tyler might not be Caroline's boyfriend, but that doesn't make him insignificant in her life. When people get annoyed at Tyler, they think he doesn't have a right to be jealous. But this wasn't about Tyler being jealous, it was about realising the person you cared for and thought was still your friend chose to be with the monster who killed your friends and family. And while I don't judge Caroline for her and Klaus, I can totally see where Tyler was coming from. He wanted space, he had just found out, and he needed time to process it. Caroline should have realised that it's a mistake to go after him when he asked her to leave multiple times. But Caroline just wanted him to tell her it's okay, which was very egoistical of her. It wasn't okay for Tyler and he didn't have to say it just to make Caroline feel better about herself. I don't believe Tyler would have bitten her. He pretended he would to get her to leave, because she stubbornly refused to give him any space and was constantly crowding him. That's why he told Stefan too, he made a show out of reverting back to being asshole, but it was just a defense mechanism he needed at the moment. I didn't like how Stefan hit him. While I adore Stefan and Caroline, I think Stefan shouldn't have picked a side, but rather stayed neutral. I was surprised that he didn't have any empathy for Tyler, especially given the simlarities between Tyler/Caroline and Stefan/Elena. Caroline not giving Tyler any chance to be alone and deal with this, was very similar to Elena in 4x10, just following Stefan and expecting him to magically be fine and not suffer because it makes her feel bad. I feel bad for Caroline too. She navigated between wanting someone to tell her it's alright and wanting to be called out for everything. She was judging herself all episode, and yet she was so afraid of the reaction of others, trying to prepare herself for it. Katherine- back when I first watched this episode, I thought her plan to have it all is simply not possible. She can't have her daughter and Stefan at the same time, because she can't be Elena and herself at the same time. Does she think she could be part-time Elena and part-time Katherine. For how long? Forever? There is nothing realistic about that idea. She is fun to watch as Elena, but just this episode she slipped so many times, from avoiding all her friends, to being weird when she talked to Stefan at the party, to pointing out Damon's treatment of Katherine and making him wonder why is Elena even talking about that. Damon- ... I'll just skip Damon Enzo- this character is really jumping from one motivation to the next. First he hated Damon, because Damon is, by Enzo's own words ''a monster'', ''a horrible person''. Now he claims he would only like Damon again, if Damon is a horrible person and a monster. Because ''that's the Damon Salvator I remember''. Um... what? Also, after Enzo is finally free, knowing who tortured him (Wes), knowing where to find the person who tortured him, he spends all his time dealing with a boy who didn't even know anything about this until recently, all the while Wes is right there, living his life. And then acts like killing Aaron closed that chapter of their lives. What about Wes???


About Damon... I’ve said this on another show. Never trust anyone who changes for someone else. They’ll easily go back to their old ways once things are over. I understand Tyler’s reaction. The woman he loves slept with the man who murdered his mom. I don’t think he should’ve gotten to the point where it seemed like he was going to bite her though. Stefan of course is Caroline’s close friend so he sees it as Tyler about to attack her. I love Caroline and Stefan’s bond, it is the most pure dynamic on this show which is surrounded by toxicity. I hate what happenned to Aaron. I actually really enjoyed his character and I felt like he could’ve lasted a while on this show. It would’ve been nice to have a newcomer to the group because we’re used to everyone else already. I really liked him and Elena’s friendship and he would’ve fit in well with the group. I’m probably the only person who thinks so but ahah oh well. Such wasted potential.

Connie Kay

Well put Halo. I 1000 percent agree. Some do not want to understand. They look at this character very shallowly. They were rooting for him to fail the whole time so they could get their I told ya so. As much as I love this show and the writers were so incredibly good seasons 1 thru 4....season 5 is not my fave to say the least. I am so ready for season 6 which makes me love it again.


Him not being able to kill Aaron because he doesn’t have children yet is an even worse reason😂


No, I don’t know him and neither do you because he’s not real.

Connie Kay

What Caroline does is of no concern to Tyler after he walked out of that room on her. They were not together.


It has nothing to do with them not being in a relationship. He has the right to be angry that she slept with his mother’s killer. Also he walked away because he didn’t want to be around her. She was the one to follow him and constantly try to get him to be ok with or understand her decision. He was never going to understand her sleeping with Klaus especially in that moment and she should’ve left him alone.

Kyla B.

I don't know if anyone's pointed this out. You basically said it. But I'm gonna double down on it. You can't tell me that Damon wasn't LOOKING for a reason to be able to kill Aaron. He couldn't before because he was afraid of looking bad in Elena's eyes and now that that's done. He has no reason to care. But he was "so good" for Elena. I have THAT bone to pick with everybody this episode. Basing Damon's happiness and goodwill on one person would have eventually driven her mad. You can't constantly be someone's moral compass without slipping off the deep end at some point. It just doesn't work like that.


Wow I can see there’s already been a ton of discourse about this ep LOL, as I expected. All I will say is this: I believe character development can only work if it comes from within, and not bc of an external factor. If you want to become a better person, it has to come from YOU, it has to be a product of your own desire. You should be appeasing yourself and not others. In this case, I believe this ep proves that Damon has not actually undergone character development - he has simply been repressing parts of himself to appease Elena. The proof? As soon as Elena leaves him, he goes right back to where he started. That’s not true development to me.

Kyla B.

Also I REALLY hate that you got spoiled about Enzo. But I'm not gonna lie. It's gonna be really fun to watch you try to figure out how or when or where or why.


Lore point you seemed to have missed. Katherine expelled Gregor from Matt with that dagger, cause it permanently removes the passenger/traveler. Remember after Katherine daggered Matt? Gregor was gone and Matt was Matt again.

Jay Stone

How are you still hating the best thing that ever happen to this show Damon. That's like hating Tony Soprano, Walt White, even Klaus is that guy. Damon and Klaus are carrying their shows. You should never hate the star of the show.


The star of a show is subjective. You may think it’s Damon that’s the best draw to this show, others may not.

Christian Lemus

Not this girl Connie defending Damon and going against everyone in the comments lmao what a huge 🤡

Connie Kay

So it's not okay if I make personal remarks but this guy can call me a clown...smh.


How about no one make any personal remarks. This is just a tv show and it really shouldn’t be this difficult to get along. Everyone please relax keep comments to the show.

Connie Kay

Is this the year Kevin Williamson quit for a while? He always had purpose for every word written and they stray from that a lot after the Augustine stuff which did fit in with prior writing.


I've been binge watching your Reactions, so I apologize for being late - anyway - why do they have Stefan say these things, it's so tiresome lol. This was a turning point, I absolutely adored what Katerina said to Damon but was so frustrated it wasn't actually Elena. Taking her body is bad and really, wishing she'd die last episode - would've been a great ending for her Character. Having said that, I won't go into Damon's actions because I'm not entirely surprised, disappointed maybe, but not surprised.