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I'd like to point out that due to a news worthy event that week this scene was cut from the episode https://youtu.be/AXe7cFqg-1k which reveals the Sherrif to be half robot and massively imo changes the story and makes certain lines make sense that on broadcast never did when it aired.


I absolutely adore those final scenes with The Doctor & Robin & at this point not been moved by writing in a scene since "I'm running to you before you fade from me" in The power of three. I agree that this story does while fun have a very unfinished feel to it. The growth of 12 is such a journey and was so brave for Moffat to do looking back when he could have played it safe after Matt & David.


Interesting! Still not my favorite episode and still doesn’t explain what happened to the robots’ actual leader and why they chose the Sheriff to be their leader. I guess because he had the influence and resources they needed?

Lloyd B

This is one of those silly, somewhat campy episodes, of which you tend to get at least one per season - think Aliens of London/World War Three and The unicorn and the Wasp. Not everyone's cup of tea, and some pull it off better than others, but I still think they are part of the wonderfully rich diverse ecology that is the Doctor Who universe. It has some fun moments - such as the bickering of the Doctor and Robin in the prison cell. The conclusion is a bit rushed, though, and the cut scene mentioned by Jason would have provided more context and sense to what was going on, but considering the terrorist beheading that were happening around the time this was aired I think they made the right call in deleting that scene. I like your interpretation of this Doctor's current state of mind. He's very much a man trying to find himself again. While on the one hand appearing arrogant and opinionated, he doesn't know if he's a good man or not. Capaldi's Doctor is probably the most complex of the modern era, and I really love his portrayal throughout.


I’m not a fan of this episode honestly. Although I do love the legend of Robin Hood. Can’t wait for later reactions though!!

Ian Smith

For me,this is a typically undercooked Mark Gatis Who script . "Comedy Robin Hood story" - it's been done too often.

Henry from CO

Not a fan of this one. Glad they got out of the way early in this series. But I am a big fan of the next episode. And it was when I began to think a little differently about Twelve, for the better.


I love this episode because of the contrast between Clara having a blast and looking so beautiful, and the Doctor grouching and being so skeptical. Add over-the-top Robin Hood into the mix and it’s a fun trio dynamic for me. And of course the final exchange between 12 and Robin Hood is fantastic, as is your character discussion about 12 afterwards. 12 is imo the most “stripped down” new-who Doctor yet, the most uninhibited/unfiltered, and at this point the most “done” as you put it; and for that he is to me the most interesting to watch, to see how he reacts to different people and different situations, and how he changes or doesn’t change. And it makes the Doctor/companion relationship more interesting as well. It is more balanced in terms of flaws and growth, and in how they both influence each other in those aspects.


Yeah, not my favorite, but the last scene between Robin and the Doctor is pretty good. In terms of pastiche, I have no real interest in Robin Hood, so it didn't really resonate with me that much. Clara is still awesome in it though and her outfit here is great.

Mark Ward

i couldn't sit and watch this one again sorry. Probably in my bottom 5 episodes of New Who. Just so so boring for me.

Mark Ward

Watching your analysis and yes, probably the most crotchety since the First Doctor (or at times the Sixth Doctor).

michael moslin

From the bickering from the dr and hood plus hoods stupid laughing like an idiot made this a really rubbish episode with Clara looking mighty fine in that outfit the only saving grace