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Henry from CO

"She cares so I don't have to". That's Twelve, and yet the opening scene is him saving the female soldier. Such a contradiction, and it gets even better as the series continues.

Daniel Reynolds

So so excited to see you go on this journey with the twelfth doctor, and it’s certainly a journey


I'm really glad they took a risk with this doctor by not making him likeable but I think that's why they brought Matt Smith in the last episode or a lot of people would decide that they wouldn't like this doctor and stop watching.

Ian Smith

You absolutely hit the nail on the head - this Doctor is the first of the new regeneration cycle; so he very much mirrors the First Doctor: a sort of highly intelligent anti-hero. Gone is the 'cute and cuddly'; instead we have the 'complicated and conflicted'. You'll still grow to love him though. :) (Maybe even more so;as you have to work harder in order to understand him!)


Your post episode thoughts is why I was so excited for you to watch this season more than any other. There is so much to unpack about both the Doctor and Clara this season, and about their relationship. "He really is a reset." Yes! This Doctor is definitely cold and practical. "She cares so I don't have to." When the Doctor was repairing Rusty, all he cared about was proving his theory: there is no such thing as a good Dalek. If he was wrong, repairing the Dalek would have not changed its "goodness". If he was right, repairing the Dalek would have removed the "goodness" and restored it to its natural state of being evil. Clara calls him out on this: when she says everyone is going to die but there's a part of you that's pleased because you are right about the Daleks. It's definitely pretty dark. He was willing to put everyone in danger and even die to prove a point. But then Clara gets it through to him that they CAN make a Dalek good, which the Doctor would not have considered (because of his strong bias) if Clara had not forced him to. The Doctor's prejudice against soldiers is definitely a big theme. "It's because HE'S a soldeir." ding ding ding! I foresee a very infuriating episode in your near future haha. Finally, the "you are a good Dalek" is a great throwback to a line in the very first season with Nine. In the Dalek episode, the Dalek told him "you would make a good Dalek." This episode opened with "am I a good man?" and one of the answers he received was "you are a good Dalek." yikes haha. Good thing he had Clara to give him a second perspective. I just LOVE that you understand why THIS Doctor in particular needs Clara specifically. "I love that he wants honesty from her. He needs that desperately from her because he really can't tell what the right thing to do is sometimes, and the right way to act, and the right way to treat people." Yes! It's definitely telling that the two words used to describe Clara's relationship to the Doctor this episode were "carer" ("she's my carer, she cares so I don't have to") and "teacher." One thing you may have picked up on at this point is that Clara doesn't need the Doctor at all, it's he that needs her, and more than in the "see the universe through her eyes" kinda way that previous Doctors have needed companions for. And yes at the end there Rusty is essentially going on a suicide mission. Btw I LOL'ed irl when you caught Rusty's shady ass "body language" at the Doctor LMAO. It's kinda a meme in the fandom.

Mark Ward

About two years after this series was broadcast, I had a boyfriend called Danny, who was a school teacher with black African-white heritage and equally long eyelashes. Sadly his surname wasn't Pink. :D But thought it was a very weird coincidence!

Toby Harmon

They filmed a scene which showed Rusty blowing up the Dalek ship at the end, but for some reason they cut it. I guess they wanted to leave it open-ended


Cool! Doctor Who predicted your future! Or maybe determined it...or both!😂👍🏽.


Your analysis of the more complicated thought process that this Doctor goes through is continually great! Whilst you might be struggling with the more cold and calculated nature of him right now, I think it’s worth it with your afterthoughts on his actions! Looking forward to see your journey with 12 continue..!


In the original leaked script, Rusty goes on a suicide mission Extract below. DOCTOR WHO -POST PRODUCTION SCRIPT–SERIES 8 Page 66 of 70 10:43:31 INT. ARISTOTLE. HANGAR BAY -NIGHT The DOCTOR and CLARA about to enter the TARDIS. JOURNEY Doctor ...They turn. JOURNEY has followed -standing uncertainly in the doorway.JOURNEY (CONT'D) Take me with you. On the Doctor, appraising, considering. THE DOCTOR: I think you're probably nice. Underneath it all I think you're kind and you're definitely brave. I just wish you hadn't been a soldier. He turns and strides into his TARDIS. On Journey. Devastated. CUT TO:10:44:15 EXT. DALEK SHIP - NIGHT The Dalek ship retreats from the Aristotle CUT TO: 10:44:19 INT. DALEK SHIP - NIGHT The COMMAND DALEK looks down on the BATTERED DALEK who has teleported aboard the ship, surrounded by other DALEKS. BATTERED DALEK -ADR CUE "Death to the Daleks!" The Battered Dalek self destructs. CUT TO: 10:44:26 EXT. SPACE. DALEK SHIP - NIGHT The DALEK SHIP EXPLODES. (Link - https://www.docdroid.net/eg2w/ep-2-pdf#page=67)


Who else loves the scene of The Doctor kicking The TARDIS door open and entering The TARDIS from Clara's school cupboard? No CGI, they recreated the cupboard against The TARDIS doors so they could enter in one shot. Love it when they go the extra mile to show The TARDIS is definitely bigger on the inside, so simple but effective but it's rarely done 😍


Some awesome after thoughts for this one. 👍🏻 Personally I loved this Doctor from the outset, but then much like I did for 10 and 11. Obviously I loved Eccleston but I reference those specifically because the change was more immediate than between Classic to NuWho. Some great themes for this one as you rightly honed in on in your after thoughts. Some of my favs are perception, hatred begets hatred and looking inward at oneself. You highlighted perception when you spoke about the way people kept treating Danny. The Doctor's behavior seems very cold and calculating. I like how you precieved this as partly related to the reboot. I hadn't thought about that connection myself. He still has all his memories, so they still help shape who he is as a person. Obviously the personality is the thing that changes with each regeneration. I just saw this as a battle hardened person who has recently come from a centuries long war on Trenzalore. Which brings us to the self examination theme. His disliking soldiers might be reflective, much like you said. This idea of "a good Dalek" is erroneous. The hatred was just redirected inwards. Hatred for everything else was replaced with hatred for oneself. I specifically like how The Doctor's own hatred fuelled the second redirection. Obviously you could never cuddle our way to victory against the Daleks and the goal of their obligatory destruction is as sad as it is laudable. Because they are quite literally refined evil stemmed from fear. Which leaves us with hatred begets hatred.


There's a lot here I like. The soldier stuff is probably my least favorite of the things going on here, but the Doctor having interiority about whether or not he's a good man and having that impact the outcome of the situation with the Dalek is interesting to me. I like the scenes between Danny and Clara, and I enjoyed Journey Blue. This episode also shows how much of a co-protagonist Clara has suddenly become in the show. Her personality clashes with the Doctor and they have a conversation about their differing worldviews and learn from each other in a way that I particularly like.

Amy Chlebus

The way I look at 12 in the beginning is he he's gone through a lot, and he's lost a lot. He is trying to find himself, and be comfortable with himself. He doesn't know where he is at this point.

Adam C Turek

I fucking loath the soldier sub plot, we don't think of soldiers as weird or "lady killers" in England so i have no idea why Moffat has put such an emphasis on it. I think it's because it reminds the Doctor of his worst years as a soldier himself, but it's executed poorly.

Samuel Coghlan-White

The amazing Zawe Ashton who plays Journey Blue also stars in the incredible British comedy-drama Fresh Meat. I highly recommend 😉😉😉😉