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Henry from CO

The Time of the Doctor, the Twelfth Doctor that is .....

Amy Chlebus

Peter is a huge Whovian. Hes been watching since it 1st started back in 1963. They wanted to go back to an older Doctor, like it was in classic who. I know you're sad and upset right now, but give Peter a chance. He is a wonderful actor, and a wonderful Doctor.

Amy Chlebus

Hey Henry! What's up dude!? Hit me up on FB if you feel like it. 😁


This is a top episode for me due to all the great character work for both the Doctor and for Clara. For those same reasons, s8 is also a top season for me. For the record, they are my favorite Doctor and companion and my favorite Tardis duo :D. I knew you would pick up on all the symbolism and analogies -- the dinasour, the broom, etc -- in this episode. Great reaction! "There's not a trace of the original you left. You probably can't even remember where you got that face from." The expression he makes when it sinks in that those words apply to himself is definitely interesting. I noticed you were kinda left wondering "what was he thinking in that moment?" and I'll just say you are definitely supposed to wonder that right now. As for the big question: did he push the droid, or did it jump? Definitely another thing you're supposed to wonder about it ;). Although: if he did in fact push the droid, then it was a quick death, and thus a far kinder fate than that of some of the previous Doctors' enemies. Remember 10 in Human Nature/Family of Blood? Yikes! Their fates were worse than death. "I think I've seen this face before." If you recall the season 4 Pompeii episode, Peter Capaldi played the father in the Roman family that 10 and Donna befriended. That's where the Doctor would have seen his own face before. Oh, and another detail to remember is "the woman in the shop." When modern Clara first met 11, it was because she called him thinking she was calling a helpline. She said "a woman in the shop" gave her the Doctor's phone #. Great discussion about Clara and control. In this episode she was finally allowed to shine, both Jenna Coleman as an actress and Clara as a character. She was absolutely amazing. Every scene, she just killed it. s7 Clara was cute and cool Clara, but s8 Clara is flawed Clara. In that vein, s8 is also very much flawed Doctor. You'll see! I'm glad you enjoyed their dynamic this episode, especially in the restaurant scene when they thought the other had arranged the meeting. Your take that he chose and older face/body to prevent anything romantic between him and his companions is interesting. Vastra did say 11 was young and handsome and charismatic for Clara and for the world in general. (And many have theorized that 9 chose to regenerate into the charming 10 for Rose's benefit.) Therefore, is 12 older and, uh, prickly or tactless, also for Clara and for the world? Or is there another reason? All excellent questions!

Henry from CO

An interesting start with grumpy old Twelve, so different than Eleven, almost the opposite really. He can be distant, annoying, indifferent, or just kinda of a jerk, but he’s still the Doctor whose main focus is still to help. And for me this new rudeness makes him feel more alien, and I like that. And the more I watched the more I liked. But it does take a few episodes to come around, it did for me anyway. And I’m so glad I was patient.


I do feel like his years at trenzalore has contributed to his personality here and how we don’t know whether he pushed that man or he fell. He does kind of remind of the 9th Doctor here with his comments about humans. I do find Vastra’s comments about why the doctor chose his face interesting and it makes a lot of sense when you see how 9 transitioned to 10 compared with this regeneration. But on another note I absolutely love Clara and 12’s chemistry. While I have problems with Claras character, I feel like Clara is already much more of a solid and stronger character in this episode whilst in season 7 she just felt like a plot device or writers fantasy. I can’t wait to see whether or when you warm up to 12 :)


Clara and 12s relationship is a big highlight throughout her time in the Tardis for me. 12 is a bit grouchy but thats mainly because he spent hundreds of years fighting a war in charge of so many soldiers and it really hardened him. That along with him being the first time lord to go past 12 regenerations explains his wildness in this episode; uncharted territory for time lords. Rassilon stopped it at 12 to stop them living too long and becoming passive to everything. I agree with your points about the trio, like theyre okay here to help Clara but after watching it back, they do seem to just be.. there. Im glad you dont hate Peter, as people have said above he has always been a massive fan of the show, he actually wrote a letter to the BBC when he was a child saying he wasnt happy with how a story ended 🤣 he 'gets' the doctor. We will get an answer for why he chose this face.

Lloyd B

I really like the dynamic between Clara and 12. It harks back to the sort of Doctor-Companion relationships of the Classic era. I was always uncomfortable with the romantic implications, either implicit or explicit, of the previous three Doctor-Companion pairings. With an older Doctor it is much more like a mentor-student and platonic friendship. Though Clara clearly has a task ahead of her to adjust. Fun fact - the actor playing the homeless guy in the alley was Brian Miller, who is the husband of the late Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith). They were married from 1968 until Elisabeth's death in 2011, and he also appeared in one of the Zarah Jane Smith Adventure stories.

Toby Harmon

Amazing reaction 👏 👏 👏


I can't lie. I fucking love this episode so much. When I first saw it, I truly had no idea what to think, only that I knew they had suddenly given Jenna Coleman some amazing material as Clara and that she was absolutely crushing it. Coming back to it over and over again, I love the last third of the episode a lot. There's some weird Moffat-isms going on, but it feels like a new direction for the show, and the acting in this episode is spectacular. The scene where Clara and the Half-Faced Man interrogate each other is a scene I keep revisiting and finding new things to love about.

Dennis Orman

I'm not sure how well I would have related to that final scene when I was in my 20s, but now I'm in my mid-50s I have recently noticed that younger people have started looking through me instead of at me... I don't feel remotely 'old' but to most people under 40 I have become uninteresting and unnecessary. It's fascinating in a sad kind of way, but I totally relate to Clara's initial reactions to 12 - where did the young man go?

Ian Smith

You and me both! I feel the 11th Doctor scene was written in response to a considerable social-media blacklash to the announcement of Peter Capaldi as The Doctor. There was a section of fandom who, only being familiar with the revived series, were appalled at the fact that the next Doctor was going to be played by 'an old man' (mid-50s...MY age);and were threatening to not watch the show again until another young guy was cast (they're having a long wait!) It seems 'that' scene was written to appease them. I don't mind the scene myself - but it takes us away from the new Doctor,whom we were just beginning to adjust to.

Henry from CO

One last thing (promise): Perhaps the one annoying thing for me with this episode is Clara’s reaction to the new Doctor. I was a bit shocked that she was shocked with the regeneration and Twelve’s face looking older. I say this because of the episode “The Name of the Doctor” from the series 7 finale. The Impossible Girl travelled through the full timeline of the Doctor, from first to eleventh. Why would she be put off by this change? She’s seen him change 12x! 13x actually as she also met the War Doctor. This always puzzled me. On a different topic, did the Doctor push the Half Face Man out the window. Yes, that would not be good. But think about it, isn’t it worse if someone convinced you to take your life? If it indeed the latter, this is much more chilling than pushing him.


It would be chilling if the half face man was human but he was a murderous robot so he got what he deserved in my book. As for Clara being shocked by Peter Capaldi, yes she saw the Doctor throughout his lifetime but the show never addressed what happened to Clara and the Doctor once he rescued her from his own time stream and they first saw the War Doctor together. Unless I just don’t remember, but they went from seeing the War Doctor and the next thing we see Clara is back in her hometown teaching, seeming to not remember meeting the Doctor for each regeneration. Also her seeing the War Doctor and David Tennant was unique experience for her because she still had Matt Smith there with her. Now he’s completely been replaced and he is gone for good. That has to be a shock to anyone. Also Capaldi was acting erratic and strange and didn’t recognize her.

Mark Ward

You liked this episode more than Ifeared you were when watching the episode...! It’s so meta. It’s all about acceptance of this massive change for the characters and the audience. From what I know of classic who (which is moderate) the only other doctors who had more ‘difficult’ regenerations were the 5th and 6th Doctors, both of whom had near breakdowns in their opening episodes. Season 8 gets mixed reviews but personally I quite like some of the arcs that it follows.

Adam C Turek

I think Madam Vastra's issue with Clara stemmed from the fact that what the Doctor is going through is far greater than what Clara is feeling, granted it's natural, but all she seemed concerned about was changing him back, rather than accept he's just died and changed - considering she's met 3 versions of him already (or all of them in the time stream), it shouldn't really come as a surprise. Capaldi is an amazing actor, he was originally the first choice for the 8th Doctor (The Doctor before John Hurt) but turned it down as he was scared to take responsibility being a Doctor Who fan since childhood. And then he was the first choice to become the 11th after David Tennant, but had other commitments. I'm with you on the Matt Smith scene, i think it did more damage than good for people that couldn't let go of a young Doctor. They did Teens React to Doctor Who, with some girls claiming they were true fans, only to shudder in disgust an older man was taking over the role


I loved Capaldi instantly unlike Smith don't know why but I did. Peter is a phenomenal actor who has had a childhood obsession with Doctor Who that he was just greatful to be in that one episode in S4 but to be The Doctor was a huge honour for him, the chemistry between Jenna & Peter is instant and they became and still are extremely close friends. I saw this episode on a full screen at the cinema like the 50th and coupled with Murray Gold's new themes & Doctor theme it was a fascinating watch for a new era


Peter is just fantastic, and pretty darn cool :D here's a little twitter "fancam" about him that I found recently :D https://twitter.com/petrichoreleven/status/1338210371941830659?s=20


I'm still catching up with your reactions purely because I'm not the biggest fan of this era but Capaldi might grow on you along the way. It will take a while for you to get used to him. While I don't think you'll like him more than Matt Smith, you could actually either end up warming to him or even hating him. Personally, I like Capaldi more than Matt Smith but my biggest issue with Capaldi is most of the writing in his era. I'm not a fan of it. I really don't like Clara and Danny either. I look forward to when you eventually get to the good parts (basically the stories I like lmao). I'm not a big fan of Strax, Vastra and Jenny either lol.