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Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

This is one of my favorite episodes of this season if not the favorite (is tied with the next one) ❤️

Andrea Dcosta

I loved the scene with the brothers yes that’s Defan 🤗 the unshakable bond of the Salvatore bros 🤪 what a episode yes this seems like a finale episode. The next one is my favourite of this season just too good. I also loved the scene with all the friends happy for once after a longg time. Onto the next one!!


Yes the brothers knew that Katherine was sleeping with both of them, they weren’t exactly ok with it but they were in love with her and each one tried to have her to himself. But I don’t think they’ll want to share Elena.


Regarding the clean up committee, the vampires miss a trick in this show. One of the real perks would be speed of cleaning. Putting things in bags should take a quarter of the time at the most. Being a witch would be better, it would be the first thing I'd learn as a witch, how to clean up with magic. Elena grabbing her neck spoiled the next episode for me. I had a brain haemorrhage (an aneurysm) in 2015 and and the first symptoms were a headache, then the unbelievable neck pain (it is when the blood starts to go down the spine). I knew it wasn't concussion, and when she was OK in the next episode after an overnight stay in hospital, I knew what Meredith had done. It was the neck pain which gave away what was wrong with her. I watched this in 2017, so I'd already had the brain haemorrhage. Usual treatment is surgery, although there are tablets which can slow the bleeding down. This does show how strong the brother's bond is. Defan is the true love story. I believe Elena brought them back together. Katherine was the one to break them up. x

Idun V

Watching your reactions is an emotional rollercoaster for me: I love Damon so it makes me sad that you don't like him, but I hate Klaus so I relish in your hatred of him 😂

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

There’s no series without Damon that’s for sure 🖤 Klaus is bad but it’s a great villain and there’s no doubt about that


So many reactions! I feel compelled to leave a comment :) Elena actually hit her head multiple times. During 3x19 when Kol pushed her, earlier in this episode when Alaric pushed her as well against the lockers, and then when Klaus jumped against Tyler. I remember having no idea what was happening with Elena, but thinking- well, yeah, she is just a human, they can't throw her around like this. I find evil Alaric's mindset incredibly deluded. Like when he said that Caroline is a monster because she killed a human and liked it. So did Alaric. He killed Brian Walters and Bill Forbes and liked it. How is he better? And his reasoning is soo shallow. For instance to say that he killed Bill Forbes, because Bill was ''a vampire sympathiser'' is neither here nor there. Bill might have accepted Caroline in his final moments, but he was far from accepting vampires. In fact, he was very well doing his job as a Council member when we were first introduced to him. Did Alaric kill him because Bill didn't out Caroline and Damon to the Council? That's also a shallow reason, because Alaric didn't out them before this episode as well. He was too busy murdering humans while hiding behind the facade of the Alaric everyone knew, because no one would have suspected he was behind the murders. When exactly did evil Alaric actually find the courage to face an actual vampire? Oh, that's right- when he was magically turned into one himself, stronger than an Original. Yep. He had to be made the strongest of them all to actually stop killing humans and start going after vampires. That screams a coward to me. Evil Alaric claims that before he was too weak to do what had to be done, but that is not true. The Alaric we knew before was never afraid to stand against actual vampires - Logan Fell, the tomb vampires when he helped saving Stefan in season 1, Elijah when he first daggered him in season 2, even the werewolves and Klaus on a full moon during 3x02. How could we compare all that to evil pre-vampire Alaric being a complete coward who was mostly hiding and deciding to kill humans who were weaker than him like Meredith and Bill Forbes. Because I believe the reason he chose to kill Bill was because Bill was in a hospital at the time, and therefore Alaric thought he should be an easy target. I'm still not sure why he didn't think Meredith could have given him vampire blood. It would have been so ironic if Bill had decided to complete the transition and Alaric's killing sprees done out of cowardice had resulted in creating a vampire.


Really good point I never though this way about Evilariac


Honestly, this is exactly what I mean by the Series shooting Scenes that are heavy-handed. The Shot of Elena hitting Her Head was obviously going to come back up; that kind of Writing & Storytelling is very frustrating because it's like they're insulting my intelligence. I can figure out for myself what's happening, I don't need it spoon-fed to me & I don't need a whole dedicated Shot of Her injury. Now, having said that, I understand I'm not being very forgiving, but, as a Filmmaker myself, watching this can be really annoying. lol

Chantelle Miles

Actually Klaus has saved Rebecca many times and does love her he just lashes out and pushes people away because hes paranoid, abused by michael, a father who didnt love him and because hes desperate not to be alone. Ur being bias and syjng things untrue about Klaus. I get u dont like him but he isnt all bad and does love his family whether he shows it or not. Rebecca knows that too hence why they have stood together always and forever.


I guess him daggering her several times shows how much he loves her. And I guess him killing Jenna, enslaving Stefan, and using Elena as a blood bag means he’s an upstanding guy. Rebekah only stays with him because she’s naive and she too doesn’t want to be alone. He treats her with no respect so she obviously doesn’t respect herself by staying with him. Also I’m really tired of comments that make things personal like “You’re being biased”. Stick to talking about the show. If you don’t agree with me just say you don’t agree. But making things personal and about me is just rude. I’m just giving my opinions because I’m a reactor who is taking the time to give honest reactions.

Chantelle Miles

Never said hes a stand up guy. I said hes not all bad and does love his family. Hes done terrible things but always for a reason. Being that old, messed up and powerful obviously corrupts he was desperate to break his curse which I understand. But I've seen his whole story u havent so maybe that why jm more understanding i dont know...but I'm more like Elena and Caroline, I see the good in all characters and hope for redemption.

Chantelle Miles

I say ur being biased when u deny something that's has already been proven in the show and is a fact but u still seem to deny those things, and it's only with characters like Klaus and Damon so I saw it as being biased if u cant accept something even when it's been proven to be true.


It hasn’t been proven because it’s opinion. It’s YOUR opinion that Klaus isn’t all bad and loves his family. It’s MY opinion that if he did love his family he would treat them better. Also the very fact that you like certain characters over others means that you yourself are biased. Everyone is biased. The only way you wouldn’t be biased is if you loved all the characters equally. And nobody feels that way. Nobody loves Damon and Stefan and Matt and John and Vicki, etc. Everybody has their favorites and everybody has characters that they like less or dislike altogether. Also you saying I’m biased because of how I feel is judgmental because you disagree with me. I disagree with your opinions but that’s what they are, opinions. I’m not telling you you’re flat out wrong for feeling the way you do about FICTIONAL characters. And yes you have seen everyone’s entire story and I clearly have not so maybe you could be more understanding to me, a real person, and not just fictional characters.