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TVD 3x6 full.mp4


Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

I liked this episode a lot, next one it's pretty good too and you'll enjoy it for a bit so love it hahahaha ❤️ can't wait for more! everyone in this show gets annoying at times but Tyler and Vicki I can't stand them...he didn't choose to switch the humanity off but he choose what he can do in this moment so..Rebekah is annoying af she just gets better at The Originals hahahaha Elena cares about both during all the series!!!!


Rebekah is one of my top 5 fave characters so hearing you say she's the same as Damon, who I loathe was shocking lol.


Yet another interesting episode, lots of references to the first season this ep. If they were to lock Stefan up it would prevent him from feeding (which shouldn't be an issue for them since they let Damon do stuff like that all the time) but he would still be acting the same, he may have been forced to turn it off but the only way it'll come back is if an original compelled him to turn it back on...or if he finds the will to turn it back on himself. Everyone else can try to convince him to turn it back on all they want but it really comes down to him or Rebekah/Klaus...which we know won't happen. I'm completely on Bonnie's side with this one, it's already one thing to keep it from her that he's talking to the dead (him trying to protect her once again when it's uncalled for) but the fact that he's also failed to mention that that two dead people he's seeing are his ex girlfriends...that comes off very shady, like he knew what he was doing was weird and didn't want Bonnie to find out. It also adds to the fact that he can control if he wants to see them or not- he shut Anna out once then when he let her back in for answers, he never closed it again. He's aware that he's got complete control over seeing her but he refused to admit he missed her...until now. You'll definitely get to know Mikael more but for me personally it seems like the more I learned of him the more confused I was about how to feel about him. I find it very interesting that even without his humanity off Stefan admits to always wanting to protect Elena, it's beautiful that his protection over Elena now doesn't really have anything to do with Klaus' orders. It seems like the last shred of humanity he has left.


Yeah locking Stefan up would be so that he stops feeding and killing people until they find a way to turn his humanity on. It’s nice that he’s there to protect her, but people are dying around town because of him. It’s the same way I feel about Damon. It’s nice that Damon cares about Elena but if he decides to kill people around town that pretty much cancels any good he does.


I guess I don't see a big difference in how Damon is acting toward Elena. Like you are saying he is taking advantage of her since Stefan isn't there lol but he is acting like the same old dick as he was when Stefan was there. It just seems like now Elena is letting him. I guess after Stefan dumped her in Chicago maybe she wants to get back at him. It kinda seems like she is using Damon to try to trigger Stefan's emotions like how she was blatantly doing stuff at the bonfire to piss him off. Honestly Elena has a pretty long history of using Damon now that I'm thinking about it. She knows he'll do stuff for her because he loves her and she uses that ALOT, even in this episode.


You’re right Damon has always acted like a dick, but people tell me all the time that he’s changed when he hasn’t. He’s supposedly so loyal to his brother but he’s making moves on Elena while his brother is a slave. There’s nothing noble about Damon so why shouldn’t Elena use him when it suits her. He’s choosing to stay in town and “protect” her so that he can win her over.


To me that’s kind of like saying if someone slipped a girl some ecstasy at a party and she went around having sex with random people there and the next day people saying she chose to do that. No, she was under the influence because she was drugged, just like Stefan is under the influence of Klaus because he didn’t choose to turn the switch off. We already saw that if Klaus hadn’t compelled him he would’ve not hurt Elena or anyone else.

Josh Man

Seriously man just stop watching the show. Your biased about Damon. Do not say your not. You know Stephan likes killing so much. He gets there names to wright down to relive the kills. Damon usually kills for a plan or protecting someone or when he is breaking emotionally.

Josh Man

Hell Stephan admits to stalking Elena for months, learning everything about her and then joins her school to enter her life...

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

I love Stefan but he’s too overrated....everyone has done bad things on the series if you get on with that you won’t like anyone....let him just continue with the series cause he’s just starting and he will see how characters changes so if he wanna keep watching it it’s okay, I love Damon but the mayority of the people doesn’t like him till season 4 so I still have hope 🖤


The actress who plays Rebekah is younger than Nina Dobrev. The moment when Liz shot Jeremy is very underrated. This all stems back to that moment Bonnie brought Jeremy back. It opened the door to the other side ever so slightly, allowing Jeremy to see Vicki and Anna. The Original witch made a deal with Vicki so she could come back. Jeremy couldn't convince Matt, so Vicki managed to communicate with him and persuade him. Matt needing CPR and seeing Vicki nudged the door open a bit more, then the spell he did was in conjunction with the Original witch. The Original witch was doing one part from the Other Side, and Matt was doing the other part. This opened the door a little further. The Original Witch knew they'd send her back, whether she killed Elena or not. The spell nudged the door open a little more and that allowed the ghosts to come back and to be able to physically interact with the real world. Hence Mason is getting revenge on Damon. The vervain was in Ric's truck which got blown up, which was why they couldn't give him any more. Stefan could turn his humanity on if he wanted to, he just doesn't. Klaus compelled him to turn it off, not keep it off. His actions are now his own. Klaus didn't compel Stefan to kill those women in a game of blood Twister. The only way to turn their emotions back on is either compulsion by an Original, or an emotional incentive. Elena nearly dying is not enough, it has to be something even more important to him than that. A year has passed since the first episode and S2 ended on 1st May, we are now into September. They've been broken up for 4 months and in total were only a couple for 6 months, on and off over the space of the year. Bonnie knew that Jeremy could only see Anna because he wanted to see her. It's like having 3 people in a relationship. Had Jeremy told Bonnie when it first started happening, then Bonnie would have had no problem, but him keeping it from her for 3 months made it seem a bit dodgy, especially while she was away. I know I wouldn't be very happy in her shoes. I felt sorry for Matt, not Vicki. I must admit, the first time I watched this show, I didn't like Rebekah. When I started watching the Originals, I got a better understanding of her character. She has the same type of warmth about her that Caroline has. She's the baby of the family and has been treat that way by her brothers, which has made her a little bit bratty. That scene with Damon and Elena is a straight rip off from a Dirty Dancing scene. The only thing missing was the background song being Hungry Eyes. You were warned about the characters being grey and that Damon was just the first to be like that. What makes a vampire a vampire is what makes them a killer. You will find out more about that. Once they are a vampire, it is difficult to control that urge. When a human kills another human, to me that is evil. There are no supernatural forces involved. I'm not condoning it, but at least a vampire has an excuse. Disclaimer: This only applies to the fictional world. I abhor violence and death in the real world. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take Care, stay safe, stay healthy. x


Yeah so love Rebekah.😂 Holding out for my girl. I do agree she's real bratty in the first few episodes. I honestly just think they didn't know what they wanted her character to be until later on. Regardless I love her. But as far as the Damon rant. I'm one of the Damon fans that doesn't mind when people hate him, or go in on him. I love Ian Somerhalder💜and love Damon as a character, but his behavior is abhorrent most of the time and I have no problem admitting that 🤷🏾‍♀️ However I think we need to remember that Elena is her own person that can make her own decisions. To say that Damon is manipulating her and worming his way into her life makes it sound like she doesn't have her own agency. Maybe she's lonely or maybe not, but regardless shes still allowing Damon's company. She's still over at his house, even when Stefan wasn't there. She's consciously making a decision to be around him just like he is her. That's my only thing. Let's not pretend like she's this damsel (in this situation) that is subjected to Damon's advances and is being taken advantage of. She could stay away if she wanted. Oh also I saw the Dean, and Damon comparison earlier 🤣🤣🤣. So I don't compare the 4 guys normally but I mean, if we had to compare them, if we take actions out of it, and just based on personality and how it's presented to us...🤷🏾‍♀️😂...Sam is the compassionate, and caring of everyone's needs brother, and Stefan is the compassionate and caring of everyone's needs brother. Dean's a dick (in the typical, toxic masculine, womanizing kinda way) and Damon's a dick. Listen I'm not saying there the same type of dick. I'm just saying if it quacks like a duck😂. Love Sam and Dean though, obviously, it's by favorite show. But anywho I love the next episode, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it, so see ya next time🤗


I typically don’t leave comments but some of the responses I’m seeing to this reaction left me really frustrated. I'm really not understanding why people get so butt hurt when someone doesn't like a fictional character that they do. The fact that Other Boy was forced to put out a disclaimer saying that he isn't going to worship Damon is ridiculous. Like he can like whatever characters he wants to 😂. It's really not that serious. People are acting like there weren’t (and still aren’t) a lot of Team Stefan people when the show was airing. So don’t feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t like Damon. And not all of Team Damon is this toxic 😂. I’m a Damon fan who is really enjoying your reactions to the show and look forward to them every week. 💜


I’m curious about your thoughts of ripper Stefan in the past, he wasn’t under anyone’s control, no one made him that person, he enjoyed killing people, the same thing with Damon, what do you thing about the old him? The carful good vampire especially since Stefan made him turn.


Yeah I hate that Stefan killed in the past, but since everyone has informed me that this is a show where everyone kills at some point I have to choose the lesser of two evils. Stefan changed and stopped killing. Damon is still killing or at least has killed recently (Jessica) and for pleasure. He’s also attacked, threatened and abused Elena’s friends and family and Stefan has not, not yet. Right now Stefan is killing because he is being forced to, which is not the same as when he killed for pleasure and not the same as Damon’s killings. It was wrong of Stefan to turn Damon, but he didn’t force Damon to kill the coach, Mason, Jessica, Vicki, etc. And didn’t force him to abuse Caroline and Andi or attack Bonnie or Jeremy.


Stefan killed Vicki actually


Stefan killed vampire Vicki who never would’ve been a vampire if Damon hadn’t killed human Vicki


great reaction ! :p


Absolutely love your comment. Only thing id have to disagree with is that damon behavior is abhorrend most of thd time, od say he behaves pretty ok most of the time and mekes really, REALLY bad decisions in some extreme situations. 90% of his time he spends doing something for Elena or Stefan or the greater good though. Hes always on a mission to save elena, save his brother, kill the bad guy...